[Asteriskbrasil-biz] Webinar gratuito "Introduction to SIP"

AsteriskGuide flavio em asteriskguide.com
Quinta Janeiro 28 09:11:58 BRST 2010

Caros Amigos, 


Teremos hoje a tarde 15:00 o webinar GRATUÍTO  ”SIP Introduction”. Ë
interessante para aqueles que querem entender um pouco mais deste importante


O Webinar será conduzido em inglês. Mais informações:

Date: Thursday, January 28, 2010 
Time: 18:00 PM CET / 15:00 PM Brazil / 12:00 PM New York / 9:00 AM San
Duration: 1h + questions
Speaker: Flavio G. Goncalves
Registration:  <https://www2.gotomeeting.com/register/198982427>
Description: detailed explanation and examples of SIP fundamentals: Requests
and Replies, Initial and sequential requests, SIP transactions, SIP dialogs,
SIP and RTP; A good understanding of SIP protocol is essential for working
with OpenSIPS. 


Um abraço a todos, 


Flavio E. Goncalves

Autor dos livros “Building Telephony Systems with OpenSIPS” e “Configuration
Guide for Asterisk PBX”.




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