[Asteriskbrasil-biz] A2Billing
Guilherme Rezende
asterisk em guilherme.eti.br
Quarta Agosto 7 15:10:47 BRT 2013
Pessoal, baixei a unica versão disponível do A2billing p/ começar a
pesquisar e atender minha demanda, que considero simples. Bom, o fato é
que pós-instalado ele apresenta mesangens de violação de licensa.
Alguém sabe o motivo ? Apenas fiz a instalação normal e inclusive
seguindo a documentação. Os botões estão todos travados em virtudes
disso... Nada funciona....
Dear A2Billing Administrator
Licence Violation!
Thank you for using A2Billing. However, we have detected that you have
edited the Author's names, Copyright or licensing information in the
A2Billing Management Interface.
The AGPL 3 <http://www.fsf.org/licensing/licenses/agpl-3.0.html> license
under which you are allowed to use A2Billing requires that the original
copyright and license must be displayed and kept intact. Without this
information being displayed, you do not have a right to use the software.
However, if it is important to you that the Author's names, Copyright
and License information is not displayed, possibly for publicity
purposes; then we can offer you additional permissions to use and convey
A2Billing, with these items removed, for a fee that will be used to help
sponsor the continued development of A2Billing.
For more information, please go to http://www.star2billing.com/licensing.
The A2Billing Team
Star2Billing S.L
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