[AsteriskBrasil] voice-mail não manda e-mail para o usuario.
lucas em nsinet.com.br
Quinta Janeiro 26 11:51:04 BRT 2006
Existe alguma maneira de configurar o asterisk para usar um postfix
remoto para enviar e-mails?!?! pois tem um ja configurado em outro
servidor... estou procurando na internet mas por enquanto não tiver
nenhum exito nas buscas.
Gabriel Sartor wrote:
> Seu posfix não deve estar configurado tenta ajeitar o seu main.cf
> <http://main.cf> e os arquivos de configuração do postfix, caso não
> consiga, vá ao nosso amigo google, que lá você achará muita
> documentação a respeito do postfix. Eu só nunca testei o voicemail com
> o postfix ou seja se não funcionar o postfix remova-o do seu sistema e
> re-instale o sendmail.
> Abraços.
> 2006/1/26, lucas_nsi <lucas em nsinet.com.br <mailto:lucas em nsinet.com.br>>:
> Perdão pessoal, o o maillog esta ai...
> "Jan 26 09:03:57 asterisk postfix/postalias[29783]: warning: My
> hostname asterisk is not a fully qualified name - set myhostname
> or mydomain in /etc/postfix/main.cf
> Jan 26 09:03:57 asterisk postfix[29784]: warning: My hostname
> asterisk is not a fully qualified name - set myhostname or
> mydomain in /etc/postfix/main.cf
> Jan 26 09:03:57 asterisk postfix/master[29785]: warning: My
> hostname asterisk is not a fully qualified name - set myhostname
> or mydomain in /etc/postfix/main.cf
> Jan 26 09:03:58 asterisk postfix/postfix-script: warning: My
> hostname asterisk is not a fully qualified name - set myhostname
> or mydomain in /etc/postfix/main.cf
> Jan 26 09:03:58 asterisk postfix/postfix-script: fatal: the
> Postfix mail system is already running
> Jan 26 09:04:06 asterisk postfix/postalias[29796]: warning: My
> hostname asterisk is not a fully qualified name - set myhostname
> or mydomain in /etc/postfix/main.cf
> Jan 26 09:04:06 asterisk postfix[29797]: warning: My hostname
> asterisk is not a fully qualified name - set myhostname or
> mydomain in /etc/postfix/main.cf
> Jan 26 09:04:06 asterisk postfix/master[29798]: warning: My
> hostname asterisk is not a fully qualified name - set myhostname
> or mydomain in /etc/postfix/main.cf
> Jan 26 09:04:06 asterisk postfix/postfix-script: warning: My
> hostname asterisk is not a fully qualified name - set myhostname
> or mydomain in /etc/postfix/main.cf
> Jan 26 09:04:06 asterisk postfix/postfix-script: fatal: the
> Postfix mail system is already running
> Jan 26 09:04:09 asterisk postfix[29808]: warning: My hostname
> asterisk is not a fully qualified name - set myhostname or
> mydomain in /etc/postfix/main.cf
> Jan 26 09:04:09 asterisk postfix/master[29809]: warning: My
> hostname asterisk is not a fully qualified name - set myhostname
> or mydomain in /etc/postfix/main.cf
> Jan 26 09:04:09 asterisk postfix/postfix-script: warning: My
> hostname asterisk is not a fully qualified name - set myhostname
> or mydomain in /etc/postfix/main.cf
> Jan 26 09:04:09 asterisk postfix/postfix-script: stopping the
> Postfix mail system
> Jan 26 09:04:10 asterisk postfix/master[2766]: terminating on
> signal 15
> Jan 26 09:04:13 asterisk postfix/postalias[29821]: warning: My
> hostname asterisk is not a fully qualified name - set myhostname
> or mydomain in /etc/postfix/main.cf
> Jan 26 09:04:13 asterisk postfix[29822]: warning: My hostname
> asterisk is not a fully qualified name - set myhostname or
> mydomain in /etc/postfix/main.cf
> Jan 26 09:04:13 asterisk postfix/master[29823]: warning: My
> hostname asterisk is not a fully qualified name - set myhostname
> or mydomain in /etc/postfix/main.cf
> Jan 26 09:04:14 asterisk postfix/postsuper[29841]: warning: My
> hostname asterisk is not a fully qualified name - set myhostname
> or mydomain in /etc/postfix/main.cf
> Jan 26 09:04:14 asterisk postfix/postfix-script: warning: My
> hostname asterisk is not a fully qualified name - set myhostname
> or mydomain in /etc/postfix/main.cf
> Jan 26 09:04:14 asterisk postfix/postfix-script: starting the
> Postfix mail system
> Jan 26 09:04:14 asterisk postfix/master[29867]: warning: My
> hostname asterisk is not a fully qualified name - set myhostname
> or mydomain in /etc/postfix/main.cf
> Jan 26 09:04:14 asterisk postfix/master[29867]: daemon started --
> version 2.2.2, configuration /etc/postfix
> Jan 26 09:04:14 asterisk postfix/pickup[29869]: warning: My
> hostname asterisk is not a fully qualified name - set myhostname
> or mydomain in /etc/postfix/main.cf
> Jan 26 09:04:14 asterisk postfix/qmgr[29870]: warning: My hostname
> asterisk is not a fully qualified name - set myhostname or
> mydomain in /etc/postfix/main.cf
> Jan 26 09:00:26 asterisk sendmail[29744]: /etc/mail/submit.cf:
> WARNING: dangerous write permissions
> Jan 26 09:00:26 asterisk sendmail[29744]: NOQUEUE: SYSERR(root):
> /etc/mail/submit.cf: line 545: fileclass: cannot open
> '/etc/mail/trusted-users': World writable directory"
> abs,
> Lucas
> Gabriel Sartor wrote:
>> Você tem que ver se a maquina tem o sendmail instalado.
>> 2006/1/25, Alex Robertson <agr.listas em gmail.com
>> <mailto:agr.listas em gmail.com>>:
>> O que o log do sendmail diz?
>> 2006/1/25, lucas_nsi < lucas em nsinet.com.br
>> <mailto:lucas em nsinet.com.br>>:
>>> Bom dia Pessoal,
>>> estou com um "pequeno" problema e gostaria de saber se
>> alguem pode
>>> me ajudar....configurei minha primeira conta de voice-mail à
>> alguns dias
>>> e ela funciona muito bem, exceto por um detalhe, não repassa
>> o e-mail
>>> com o anexo da menssagem para o usuario, meu voicemail.conf
>> esta assim:
>>> ================= voice-mail =======================
>>> [default]
>>> format=wav
>>> attach=yes
>>> serveremail=voice-mail em asterisk
>>> maxsilence=10
>>> silencethreshold=128
>>> envelope=no
>>> maxlogins=3
>>> 6410 => "minha
>>> senha",lucas em nsinet.com.br
>> <mailto:lucas em nsinet.com.br>,saycid=yes|serveremail=Asterisk|attach=yes
>>> ==================/voice-mail========================
>>> meu extensions:
>>> =====================extensions=====================
>>> exten => *999,1,VoiceMailMain()
>>> exten => 6410,1,Dial(SIP/6410,20,t)
>>> exten => 6410,2,Voicemail(6410)
>>> exten => 6410,3,Hangup()
>>> ====================/extensions======================
>>> e meu sip.conf:
>>> ====================SIP===========================
>>> [6410]
>>> type=friend
>>> context=default
>>> qualify=yes
>>> auth=md5
>>> group=1
>>> language=Pr
>>> record_out=always
>>> record_in=always
>>> rtcachefriends=yes
>>> mailbox=6410
>>> maxexpirey=180
>>> username=lucas
>>> callerid="Lucas Marques" <6410>
>>> secret=******
>>> host=dynamic
>>> nat=yes
>>> canreinvite=yes
>>> disallow=all
>>> allow=gsm
>>> allow=ulaw
>>> allow=alaw
>>> class=default
>>> ==========================/SIP======================================
>>> alguem tem alguma ideia do que possar ser?!?!
>>> Desde ja agradeço a atenção.
>>> Abs,
>>> Lucas.
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> LIsta de discussões AsteriskBrasil.org
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