[AsteriskBrasil] Playback
Rafael Balbino
balbino em act.psi.br
Sexta Outubro 27 15:44:41 BRT 2006
Olá Whisnton,
Caso seu * rode em debian, apt-get install sox
ou então, pega o fonte e compila... =)
Rafael Balbino
Gmail - Whinston Rodrigues escreveu:
> Estou tentando rodar áudio no Asterisk, porém estou com dificuldades.
> Encontrei uma documentação que falava em converter os arquivos WAV
> em GSM, porém não achei o tal conversor SOX.
> Alguém teria esse programa ?
> --------------
> URL =>
> http://www.voip-info.org/tiki-index.php?page=Convert+WAV+audio+files+for+use+in+Asterisk
> <http://www.voip-info.org/tiki-index.php?page=Convert+WAV+audio+files+for+use+in+Asterisk>
> Converting WAV files
> You just recorded a fabulous audio file to use as you main voice menu.
> Then you realize that Asterisk does not use WAV format audio for the
> Playback or Background applications. So what do you do? How can you
> convert your WAV files into GSM files that still have good sound
> quality? (This is partially false, Asterisk can play anything it has a
> format and codec for, including some wav files. See below.)
> Note the differences!
> gsm: raw gsm encoding, good for VoIP
> wav: MS wav format, 16 bit linear
> WAV: MS wav format, gsm encoded (wav49)
> Converting your WAV files to good GSM files is easier than you might
> think if you have the program Sox installed. From the shell prompt,
> enter this command:
> sox foo.wav -r 8000 foo.gsm resample -ql
> and hit the <ENTER> key. In a few moments you will have a new GSM
> format file in the same directory as the original WAV file. In this
> example "foo.wav" is your main voice menu audio file in WAV format,
> and " foo.gsm" is the same file converted to GSM format. If you wanted
> to, you could use "main-voice-menu.gsm" as the name in place of
> "foo.gsm": what matters here is the second file name you use in this
> command ends in ".gsm".
> If your WAV file was in stereo, add the -c1 option to convert to mono,
> or the output will sound very strange.
> sox foo.wav -r 8000 -c1 foo.gsm resample -ql
> You may get better results if you record your WAV file in 16 bit 8000
> Hz mono and then run
> sox foo.wav foo.gsm
> If you have multiple WAV files in one directory and you want to
> convert them all, use this command:
> for a in *.wav; do sox "$a" -r 8000 -c1 "`echo $a|sed -e s/wav//`gsm"
> resample -ql; done
> Next, move your new foo.gsm file to the directory:
> /var/lib/asterisk/sounds
> Now you can easily use the applications Playback and Background in
> your extensions.conf file to play your fabulous main voice menu. For
> example:
> exten => s,1,Background(foo)
> or
> exten => s,1,Background(main-voice-menu)
> or
> exten => s,1,Playback(foo)
> or
> exten => s,1,Playback(main-voice-menu)
> Using WAV files.
> Asterisk has codecs for wav (pcm), gsm, g729, g726, and wav49, all of
> which can be used for Playback and Background. However, Asterisk does
> not understand ADPCM WAV files. To convert your WAV files to a format
> which Asterisk can understand, use the following command:
> sox foo-in.wav -r 8000 -c 1 -s -w foo-out.wav resample -ql
> Converting to sln format
> Starting from Asterisk 1.2.0, the .sln (SLINEAR) format seems to be
> the preferred format.
> To convert wav file to sln, use the following command:
> sox foo-in.wav -t raw -r 8000 -s -w -c 1 foo-out.sln
> Converting to a CD writable format.
> So, you've decided to do your call recording in GSM format as you
> don't care about quality and you don't want to stuff your disks full,
> but how do you write that file to an audio CD to send to somebody who
> wants to listen to the call?
> sox infile.gsm -r 44100 -a outfile.wav
> creates a file in a format Nero can write to CD. There are probably
> better ways of doing it, but it works for me!
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> ----------------------------------------
> Estação VoIP 2006
> 5 e 6 Dezembro
> Curitiba PR
> http://www.estacaovoip.com.br
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