[AsteriskBrasil] Ligação Externa

Paulo César B. Fernandes pcbf em terra.com.br
Terça Abril 22 22:29:12 BRT 2008

Olá lista,

	Estou tendo um problema quando estou fazendo minhas ligações externas
através da rede PSTN (Telemar), sempre que eu disco o número e informado
pela operado "Não foi possível completar sua chamada com o nº
discado..." mas analisando o log do asterisk parece tudo ok.
	No exemplo do log abaixo estava tentando ligar para o número 8182-9253.
Alguém tem alguma idéia do que possa ser ?

-- Launched AGI Script /var/lib/asterisk/agi-bin/recordingcheck

cordingcheck|20080422-165000|1208893800.107: Outbound recording not

-- AGI Script recordingcheck completed, returning 0

 -- Executing NoOp("SIP/2010-09be67a8", "No recording needed") in new

 -- Executing GotoIf("SIP/2010-09be67a8", "0?skipoutcid") in new stack

 -- Executing Set("SIP/2010-09be67a8", "DIAL_TRUNK_OPTIONS=") in new

 -- Executing Macro("SIP/2010-09be67a8", "outbound-callerid|2") in new

 -- Executing GotoIf("SIP/2010-09be67a8", "1?start") in new stack

 -- Goto (macro-outbound-callerid,s,3)

 -- Executing NoOp("SIP/2010-09be67a8", "REALCALLERIDNUM is 2010") in
new stack

 -- Executing GotoIf("SIP/2010-09be67a8", "1?normcid") in new stack

 -- Goto (macro-outbound-callerid,s,9)

 -- Executing Set("SIP/2010-09be67a8", "USEROUTCID="Paulo"<2010>") in
new stack

 -- Executing Set("SIP/2010-09be67a8", "EMERGENCYCID=") in new stack

 -- Executing Set("SIP/2010-09be67a8", "TRUNKOUTCID=02733297036") in new

 -- Executing GotoIf("SIP/2010-09be67a8", "1?trunkcid") in new stack

 -- Goto (macro-outbound-callerid,s,16)

 -- Executing GotoIf("SIP/2010-09be67a8", "0?usercid") in new stack

 -- Executing Set("SIP/2010-09be67a8", "CALLERID(all)=02733297036") in
new stack

 -- Executing GotoIf("SIP/2010-09be67a8", "0?report") in new stack

 -- Executing Set("SIP/2010-09be67a8", "CALLERID(all)="Paulo"<2010>") in
new stack

 -- Executing GotoIf("SIP/2010-09be67a8", "1?report:hidecid") in new

 -- Goto (macro-outbound-callerid,s,22)

 -- Executing NoOp("SIP/2010-09be67a8", "CallerID set to "Paulo"
<2010>") in new stack

 -- Executing GotoIf("SIP/2010-09be67a8", "0?nomax") in new stack

 -- Executing GotoIf("SIP/2010-09be67a8", "0?chanfull") in new stack

 -- Executing DeadAGI("SIP/2010-09be67a8", "fixlocalprefix") in new

 -- Launched AGI Script /var/lib/asterisk/agi-bin/fixlocalprefix

-- AGI Script fixlocalprefix completed, returning 0

 -- Executing Set("SIP/2010-09be67a8", "OUTNUM=81829253") in new stack

 -- Executing Set("SIP/2010-09be67a8", "custom=SIP/SPA3102") in new

 -- Executing GotoIf("SIP/2010-09be67a8", "0?customtrunk") in new stack

 -- Executing Dial("SIP/2010-09be67a8", "SIP/SPA3102/81829253|300|") in
new stack

 -- Called SPA3102/81829253

-- SIP/SPA3102-b7701190 is ringing

-- SIP/SPA3102-b7701190 answered SIP/2010-09be67a8

 -- Attempting native bridge of SIP/2010-09be67a8 and

Paulo César

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