[AsteriskBrasil] Configuração de Calling Card
eduardo em impactovoip.com.br
Segunda Agosto 18 18:16:22 BRT 2008
Trabalho com rotas gsm, e estou com intuito de fazer um calling card utilizando canais gsm disponiveis em minha plataforma.
No entanto estou fazendo teste com vono para receber a chamada e direcionar para o contexto do a2billing, só que o mesmo atende a chamada solicita o pin mas quando é para dar a opção para o cliente digitar o destino desejado ele manda o numero do vono sem dar opção para o cliente
alguem pode me ajudar
exten => vono,1,SIPGetHeader(NUMENTRADA=X-Vono-DDR)
exten => vono,n,Goto(call,s,1)
;CallingCard application
;include a2billing
exten => s,1,Answer()
exten => s,n,Wait,1
exten => s,n,DeadAGI(a2billing.php,${exten}|2)
exten => s,n,Wait,1
exten => s,n,Hangup()
no sip .conf o meu tronco da vono esta no contexto from-entrada
ACK sip:vono em 201.48.2xxxxxx SIP/2.0
Via: SIP/2.0/UDP;branch=z9hG4bKsb4ml420a0hgeess91c1.1
From: "6230911858" <sip:6230911858 em vono.net.br>;tag=SDooct701-as5b939bda
To: <sip:xxxxxxxxxx-n3da6ltdp3sm9 em>;tag=as16ac1d9a
Contact: <sip:6230911858 em;transport=udp>
Call-ID: SDooct701-246bbce2c5456ec1d103d8e85dc817e5-v300g00
CSeq: 102 ACK
User-Agent: Plataforma Vono
Max-Forwards: 69
Content-Length: 0
--- (10 headers 0 lines)---
-- Executing DeadAGI("SIP/purovoip-091a29e0", "a2billing.php||2") in new stack
-- Launched AGI Script /var/lib/asterisk/agi-bin/a2billing.php
a2billing.php||2: A2Billing AGI internal configuration:
a2billing.php||2: Array
a2billing.php||2: (
a2billing.php||2: [debug] => 2
a2billing.php||2: [asterisk_version] => 1_2
a2billing.php||2: [answer_call] =>
a2billing.php||2: [play_audio] =>
a2billing.php||2: [say_goodbye] =>
a2billing.php||2: [play_menulanguage] =>
a2billing.php||2: [force_language] => pt_BR
a2billing.php||2: [intro_prompt] =>
a2billing.php||2: [min_credit_2call] => 0
a2billing.php||2: [min_duration_2bill] =>
a2billing.php||2: [notenoughcredit_cardnumber] => 1
a2billing.php||2: [notenoughcredit_assign_newcardnumber_cid] => 1
a2billing.php||2: [use_dnid] => 1
a2billing.php||2: [no_auth_dnid] => Array
a2billing.php||2: (
a2billing.php||2: [0] => 2400
a2billing.php||2: [1] => 2300
a2billing.php||2: )
a2billing.php||2: [number_try] => 1
a2billing.php||2: [force_callplan_id] =>
a2billing.php||2: [say_balance_after_auth] =>
a2billing.php||2: [say_balance_after_call] =>
a2billing.php||2: [say_rateinitial] =>
a2billing.php||2: [say_timetocall] =>
a2billing.php||2: [auto_setcallerid] => 1
a2billing.php||2: [force_callerid] =>
a2billing.php||2: [cid_sanitize] =>
a2billing.php||2: [cid_enable] =>
a2billing.php||2: [cid_askpincode_ifnot_callerid] => 1
a2billing.php||2: [cid_auto_assign_card_to_cid] => 1
a2billing.php||2: [cid_auto_create_card] =>
a2billing.php||2: [cid_auto_create_card_len] => 10
a2billing.php||2: [cid_auto_create_card_typepaid] => POSTPAY
a2billing.php||2: [cid_auto_create_card_credit] => 0
a2billing.php||2: [cid_auto_create_card_credit_limit] => 1000
a2billing.php||2: [cid_auto_create_card_tariffgroup] => 6
a2billing.php||2: [callerid_authentication_over_cardnumber] =>
a2billing.php||2: [sip_iax_friends] =>
a2billing.php||2: [sip_iax_pstn_direct_call_prefix] => 555
a2billing.php||2: [sip_iax_pstn_direct_call] =>
a2billing.php||2: [ivr_voucher] =>
a2billing.php||2: [ivr_voucher_prefix] => 8
a2billing.php||2: [jump_voucher_if_min_credit] =>
a2billing.php||2: [extracharge_did] => Array
a2billing.php||2: (
a2billing.php||2: [0] =>
a2billing.php||2: )
a2billing.php||2: [extracharge_fee] => Array
a2billing.php||2: (
a2billing.php||2: [0] =>
a2billing.php||2: )
a2billing.php||2: [international_prefixes] => Array
a2billing.php||2: (
a2billing.php||2: [0] => 011
a2billing.php||2: [1] => 00
a2billing.php||2: [2] => 09
a2billing.php||2: )
a2billing.php||2: [dialcommand_param] => |60|HgL(%timeout%:61000:30000)
a2billing.php||2: [dialcommand_param_sipiax_friend] => |60|HgL(3600000:61000:30000)
a2billing.php||2: [switchdialcommand] =>
a2billing.php||2: [failover_recursive_limit] => 4
a2billing.php||2: [maxtime_tocall_negatif_free_route] => 5400
a2billing.php||2: [send_reminder] =>
a2billing.php||2: [record_call] =>
a2billing.php||2: [monitor_formatfile] => gsm
a2billing.php||2: [agi_force_currency] =>
a2billing.php||2: [currency_association] => Array
a2billing.php||2: (
a2billing.php||2: [0] => usd:dollars
a2billing.php||2: [1] => mxn:pesos
a2billing.php||2: [2] => eur:euros
a2billing.php||2: [3] => all:credit
a2billing.php||2: )
a2billing.php||2: [file_conf_enter_destination] => pm-invalid-option
a2billing.php||2: [file_conf_enter_menulang] => pm-invalid-option
a2billing.php||2: [logger_enable] => 1
a2billing.php||2: [log_file] => /tmp/a2billing.log
a2billing.php||2: [currency_association_internal] => Array
a2billing.php||2: (
a2billing.php||2: [usd] => dollars
a2billing.php||2: [mxn] => pesos
a2billing.php||2: [eur] => euros
a2billing.php||2: [all] => credit
a2billing.php||2: )
a2billing.php||2: [ivr_voucher_prefixe] => 8
a2billing.php||2: )
a2billing.php||2: file:a2billing.php - line:76 - IDCONFIG : 1
a2billing.php||2: file:a2billing.php - line:77 - MODE : standard
a2billing.php||2: file:a2billing.php - line:89 - AGI Request:
a2billing.php||2: file:a2billing.php - line:90 - Array
a2billing.php||2: (
a2billing.php||2: [agi_request] => a2billing.php
a2billing.php||2: [agi_channel] => SIP/purovoip-091a29e0
a2billing.php||2: [agi_language] => pt_BR
a2billing.php||2: [agi_type] => SIP
a2billing.php||2: [agi_uniqueid] => 1219093914.17592
a2billing.php||2: [agi_callerid] => 6230911858
a2billing.php||2: [agi_calleridname] => 6230911858
a2billing.php||2: [agi_callingpres] => 0
a2billing.php||2: [agi_callingani2] => 0
a2billing.php||2: [agi_callington] => 0
a2billing.php||2: [agi_callingtns] => 0
a2billing.php||2: [agi_dnid] => vono
a2billing.php||2: [agi_rdnis] => unknown
a2billing.php||2: [agi_context] => call
a2billing.php||2: [agi_extension] => s
a2billing.php||2: [agi_priority] => 3
a2billing.php||2: [agi_enhanced] => 0.0
a2billing.php||2: [agi_accountcode] =>
a2billing.php||2: )
a2billing.php||2: file:Class.A2Billing.php - line:617 - get_agi_request_parameter = 6230911858 ; SIP/purovoip-091a29e0 ; 1219093914.17592 ; ; s
a2billing.php||2: file:a2billing.php - line:143 - [NO ANSWER CALL]
a2billing.php||2: file:Class.A2Billing.php - line:1770 - Requesting DTMF, CARDNUMBER_LENGTH_MAX 15
-- Playing 'prepaid-enter-pin-number' (language 'pt_BR')
a2billing.php||2: file:Class.A2Billing.php - line:1772 - RES DTMF : 2454
a2billing.php||2: file:Class.A2Billing.php - line:1776 - CARDNUMBER ::> 2454
a2billing.php||2: file:Class.A2Billing.php - line:1799 - QUERY = SELECT credit, tariff, activated, inuse, simultaccess, typepaid, creditlimit, language, removeinterprefix, redial, enableexpire, UNIX_TIMESTAMP(expirationdate), expiredays, nbused, UNIX_TIMESTAMP(firstusedate), UNIX_TIMESTAMP(cc_card.creationdate), cc_card.currency, cc_card.lastname, cc_card.firstname, cc_card.email, cc_card.uipass, cc_card.id, cc_card.id_campaign, cc_card.id, useralias FROM cc_card LEFT JOIN cc_tariffgroup ON tariff=cc_tariffgroup.id WHERE username='2454'
a2billing.php||2: Array
a2billing.php||2: (
a2billing.php||2: [0] => Array
a2billing.php||2: (
a2billing.php||2: [0] => 49.19250
a2billing.php||2: [credit] => 49.19250
a2billing.php||2: [1] => 8
a2billing.php||2: [tariff] => 8
a2billing.php||2: [2] => t
a2billing.php||2: [activated] => t
a2billing.php||2: [3] => 0
a2billing.php||2: [inuse] => 0
a2billing.php||2: [4] => 1
a2billing.php||2: [simultaccess] => 1
a2billing.php||2: [5] => 0
a2billing.php||2: [typepaid] => 0
a2billing.php||2: [6] =>
a2billing.php||2: [creditlimit] =>
a2billing.php||2: [7] => en
a2billing.php||2: [language] => en
a2billing.php||2: [8] => 0
a2billing.php||2: [removeinterprefix] => 0
a2billing.php||2: [9] => 06133128192
a2billing.php||2: [redial] => 06133128192
a2billing.php||2: [10] => 0
a2billing.php||2: [enableexpire] => 0
a2billing.php||2: [11] => 1525810928
a2billing.php||2: [UNIX_TIMESTAMP(expirationdate)] => 1525810928
a2billing.php||2: [12] => 0
a2billing.php||2: [expiredays] => 0
a2billing.php||2: [13] => 42
a2billing.php||2: [nbused] => 42
a2billing.php||2: [14] => 1210281885
a2billing.php||2: [UNIX_TIMESTAMP(firstusedate)] => 1210281885
a2billing.php||2: [15] => 1210278374
a2billing.php||2: [UNIX_TIMESTAMP(cc_card.creationdate)] => 1210278374
a2billing.php||2: [16] => BRL
a2billing.php||2: [currency] => BRL
a2billing.php||2: [17] => teste
a2billing.php||2: [lastname] => teste
a2billing.php||2: [18] => teste
a2billing.php||2: [firstname] => teste
a2billing.php||2: [19] => teste em teste.com
a2billing.php||2: [email] => teste em teste.com
a2billing.php||2: [20] => 202020
a2billing.php||2: [uipass] => 202020
a2billing.php||2: [21] => 5
a2billing.php||2: [id] => 5
a2billing.php||2: [22] => -1
a2billing.php||2: [id_campaign] => -1
a2billing.php||2: [23] => 5
a2billing.php||2: [24] => 2454
a2billing.php||2: [useralias] => 2454
a2billing.php||2: )
a2billing.php||2: )
a2billing.php||2: file:Class.A2Billing.php - line:1871 - [SET LANGUAGE() en]
a2billing.php||2: file:Class.A2Billing.php - line:650 - [CARD STATUS UPDATE : UPDATE cc_card SET inuse=inuse+1 WHERE username='2454']
a2billing.php||2: file:Class.A2Billing.php - line:1400 - [AUTO SetCallerID]
a2billing.php||2: file:Class.A2Billing.php - line:1406 - [REQUESTED SetCallerID : 6230911858]
a2billing.php||2: file:Class.A2Billing.php - line:1417 - [EXEC SetCallerID : 6230911858]
a2billing.php||2: file:a2billing.php - line:170 - [CHANNEL STATUS : 6 = Line is up]
a2billing.php||2: file:a2billing.php - line:171 - [CREDIT : 49.19250][CREDIT MIN_CREDIT_2CALL : 0]
a2billing.php||2: file:Class.A2Billing.php - line:672 - 1 && && 4&& 0
a2billing.php||2: file:Class.A2Billing.php - line:697 - DESTINATION ::> vono
a2billing.php||2: file:Class.A2Billing.php - line:699 - RULES APPLY ON DESTINATION ::> vono
a2billing.php||2: file:Class.A2Billing.php - line:650 - [CARD STATUS UPDATE : UPDATE cc_card SET inuse=inuse-1 WHERE username='2454']
-- AGI Script a2billing.php completed, returning 0
Scheduling destruction of call 'SD1agld01-df49a6a746ba55f4d72e2877435ddd41-v300g00' in 32000 ms
set_destination: Parsing <sip:6230911858 em;transport=udp> for address/port to send to
set_destination: set destination to, port 5060
Reliably Transmitting (NAT) to
BYE sip:6230911858 em SIP/2.0
Via: SIP/2.0/UDP;branch=z9hG4bK16ee4c8b;rport
From: <sip:xxxxxxxx-n3da6ltdp3sm9 em>;tag=as7cf19c44
To: "6230911858" <sip:6230911858 em vono.net.br>;tag=SD1agld01-as167529dc
Contact: <sip:vono em>
Call-ID: SD1agld01-df49a6a746ba55f4d72e2877435ddd41-v300g00
CSeq: 102 BYE
User-Agent: Impacto Voip Pbx
Max-Forwards: 70
Content-Length: 0
Eduardo de Sousa
Departamento Comercial
MSN:atendimento em impactovoip.com.br
Impacto Voip Tecnologia e Teleinformática
Fone: (62) 4053-8840 - 9651-4660
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