[AsteriskBrasil] configurar PAP2 em escala

Sebastião Rocha sebastiaorocha em interlinksistemas.com.br
Sexta Outubro 3 18:14:20 BRT 2008

Segue um arquivo sample de config, que precisa ser compilado para se tornar 
o cfg para envio ao PAP2

# ***
# *** Sipura SPA Series Configuration Parameters
# ***

# *** System Configuration

Restricted_Access_Domains         "" ;
Enable_Web_Server                 "Yes" ;
Web_Server_Port                   "80" ;
Enable_Web_Admin_Access           "Yes" ;
Admin_Passwd                      "" ;
User_Password                   ! "" ;

# *** Internet Connection Type

DHCP                            ! "Yes" ;
Static_IP                       ! "" ;
NetMask                         ! "" ;
Gateway                         ! "" ;

# *** Optional Network Configuration

HostName                        ! "" ;
Domain                          ! "" ;
Primary_DNS                     ! "" ;
Secondary_DNS                   ! "" ;
DNS_Server_Order                  "Manual" ;  # options: 
DNS_Query_Mode                    "Parallel" ;  # options: 
Syslog_Server                     "" ;
Debug_Server                      "" ;
Debug_Level                       "0" ;  # options: 0/1/2/3
Primary_NTP_Server                "" ;
Secondary_NTP_Server              "" ;

# *** Configuration Profile

Provision_Enable                  "Yes" ;
Resync_On_Reset                   "Yes" ;
Resync_Random_Delay               "2" ;
Resync_Periodic                   "3600" ;
Resync_Error_Retry_Delay          "3600" ;
Forced_Resync_Delay               "14400" ;
Resync_From_SIP                   "Yes" ;
Resync_After_Upgrade_Attempt      "Yes" ;
Resync_Trigger_1                  "" ;
Resync_Trigger_2                  "" ;
Resync_Fails_On_FNF               "Yes" ;
Profile_Rule                      "/spa$PSN.cfg" ;
Profile_Rule_B                    "" ;
Profile_Rule_C                    "" ;
Profile_Rule_D                    "" ;
Log_Resync_Request_Msg            "$PN $MAC -- Requesting resync 
Log_Resync_Success_Msg            "$PN $MAC -- Successful resync 
Log_Resync_Failure_Msg            "$PN $MAC -- Resync failed: $ERR" ;
Report_Rule                       "" ;

# *** Firmware Upgrade

Upgrade_Enable                    "Yes" ;
Upgrade_Error_Retry_Delay         "3600" ;
Downgrade_Rev_Limit               "" ;
Upgrade_Rule                      "" ;
Log_Upgrade_Request_Msg           "$PN $MAC -- Requesting upgrade 
Log_Upgrade_Success_Msg           "$PN $MAC -- Successful upgrade 
Log_Upgrade_Failure_Msg           "$PN $MAC -- Upgrade failed: $ERR" ;

# *** General Purpose Parameters

GPP_A                             "" ;
GPP_B                             "" ;
GPP_C                             "" ;
GPP_D                             "" ;
GPP_E                             "" ;
GPP_F                             "" ;
GPP_G                             "" ;
GPP_H                             "" ;
GPP_I                             "" ;
GPP_J                             "" ;
GPP_K                             "" ;
GPP_L                             "" ;
GPP_M                             "" ;
GPP_N                             "" ;
GPP_O                             "" ;
GPP_P                             "" ;
GPP_SA                            "" ;
GPP_SB                            "" ;
GPP_SC                            "" ;
GPP_SD                            "" ;

# *** SIP Parameters

Max_Forward                       "70" ;
Max_Redirection                   "5" ;
Max_Auth                          "2" ;
SIP_User_Agent_Name               "$VERSION" ;
SIP_Server_Name                   "$VERSION" ;
SIP_Accept_Language               "" ;
DTMF_Relay_MIME_Type              "application/dtmf-relay" ;
Hook_Flash_MIME_Type              "application/hook-flash" ;
Remove_Last_Reg                   "No" ;
Use_Compact_Header                "No" ;

# *** SIP Timer Values (sec)

SIP_T1                            ".5" ;
SIP_T2                            "4" ;
SIP_T4                            "5" ;
SIP_Timer_B                       "32" ;
SIP_Timer_F                       "32" ;
SIP_Timer_H                       "32" ;
SIP_Timer_D                       "32" ;
SIP_Timer_J                       "32" ;
INVITE_Expires                    "240" ;
ReINVITE_Expires                  "30" ;
Reg_Min_Expires                   "1" ;
Reg_Max_Expires                   "7200" ;
Reg_Retry_Intvl                   "30" ;
Reg_Retry_Long_Intvl              "1200" ;

# *** Response Status Code Handling

SIT1_RSC                          "" ;
SIT2_RSC                          "" ;
SIT3_RSC                          "" ;
SIT4_RSC                          "" ;
Try_Backup_RSC                    "" ;
Retry_Reg_RSC                     "" ;

# *** RTP Parameters

RTP_Port_Min                      "16384" ;
RTP_Port_Max                      "16482" ;
RTP_Packet_Size                   "0.030" ;
Max_RTP_ICMP_Err                  "0" ;
RTCP_Tx_Interval                  "0" ;

# *** SDP Payload Types

NSE_Dynamic_Payload               "100" ;
AVT_Dynamic_Payload               "101" ;
INFOREQ_Dynamic_Payload           "" ;
G726r16_Dynamic_Payload           "98" ;
G726r24_Dynamic_Payload           "97" ;
G726r40_Dynamic_Payload           "96" ;
G729b_Dynamic_Payload             "99" ;
NSE_Codec_Name                    "NSE" ;
AVT_Codec_Name                    "telephone-event" ;
G711u_Codec_Name                  "PCMU" ;
G711a_Codec_Name                  "PCMA" ;
G726r16_Codec_Name                "G726-16" ;
G726r24_Codec_Name                "G726-24" ;
G726r32_Codec_Name                "G726-32" ;
G726r40_Codec_Name                "G726-40" ;
G729a_Codec_Name                  "G729a" ;
G729b_Codec_Name                  "G729ab" ;
G723_Codec_Name                   "G723" ;

# *** NAT Support Parameters

Handle_VIA_received               "No" ;
Handle_VIA_rport                  "No" ;
Insert_VIA_received               "No" ;
Insert_VIA_rport                  "No" ;
Substitute_VIA_Addr               "No" ;
Send_Resp_To_Src_Port             "No" ;
STUN_Enable                       "No" ;
STUN_Test_Enable                  "No" ;
STUN_Server                       "" ;
EXT_IP                            "" ;
EXT_RTP_Port_Min                  "" ;
NAT_Keep_Alive_Intvl              "15" ;

# ***

Line_Enable[1]                    "Yes" ;

# *** Streaming Audio Server (SAS)

SAS_Enable[1]                     "No" ;
SAS_DLG_Refresh_Intvl[1]          "30" ;
SAS_Inbound_RTP_Sink[1]           "" ;

# *** NAT Settings

NAT_Mapping_Enable[1]             "No" ;
NAT_Keep_Alive_Enable[1]          "No" ;
NAT_Keep_Alive_Msg[1]             "$NOTIFY" ;
NAT_Keep_Alive_Dest[1]            "$PROXY" ;

# *** Network Settings

SIP_TOS/DiffServ_Value[1]         "0x68" ;
Network_Jitter_Level[1]           "high" ;  # options: low/medium/high/very 
RTP_TOS/DiffServ_Value[1]         "0xb8" ;

# *** SIP Settings

SIP_Port[1]                       "5060" ;
SIP_100REL_Enable[1]              "No" ;
EXT_SIP_Port[1]                   "" ;
Auth_Resync-Reboot[1]             "Yes" ;
SIP_Debug_Option[1]               "none" ;  # options: none/1-line/1-line 
excl. OPT/1-line excl. NTFY/1-line excl. REG/1-line excl. 
OPT|NTFY|REG/full/full excl. OPT/full excl. NTFY/full excl. REG/full excl. 
RTP_Log_Intvl[1]                  "0" ;

# *** Call Feature Settings

Blind_Attn-Xfer_Enable[1]         "No" ;
MOH_Server[1]                     "" ;
Xfer_When_Hangup_Conf[1]          "Yes" ;

# *** Proxy and Registration

Proxy[1]                          "" ;
Use_Outbound_Proxy[1]             "No" ;
Outbound_Proxy[1]                 "" ;
Use_OB_Proxy_In_Dialog[1]         "Yes" ;
Register[1]                       "Yes" ;
Make_Call_Without_Reg[1]          "No" ;
Register_Expires[1]               "3600" ;
Ans_Call_Without_Reg[1]           "No" ;
Use_DNS_SRV[1]                    "No" ;
DNS_SRV_Auto_Prefix[1]            "No" ;
Proxy_Fallback_Intvl[1]           "3600" ;

# *** Subscriber Information

Display_Name[1]                   "" ;
User_ID[1]                        "" ;
Password[1]                       "" ;
Use_Auth_ID[1]                    "No" ;
Auth_ID[1]                        "" ;
Mini_Certificate[1]               "" ;
SRTP_Private_Key[1]               "" ;

# *** Supplementary Service Subscription

Call_Waiting_Serv[1]              "Yes" ;
Block_CID_Serv[1]                 "Yes" ;
Block_ANC_Serv[1]                 "Yes" ;
Dist_Ring_Serv[1]                 "Yes" ;
Cfwd_All_Serv[1]                  "Yes" ;
Cfwd_Busy_Serv[1]                 "Yes" ;
Cfwd_No_Ans_Serv[1]               "Yes" ;
Cfwd_Sel_Serv[1]                  "Yes" ;
Cfwd_Last_Serv[1]                 "Yes" ;
Block_Last_Serv[1]                "Yes" ;
Accept_Last_Serv[1]               "Yes" ;
DND_Serv[1]                       "Yes" ;
CID_Serv[1]                       "Yes" ;
CWCID_Serv[1]                     "Yes" ;
Call_Return_Serv[1]               "Yes" ;
Call_Back_Serv[1]                 "Yes" ;
Three_Way_Call_Serv[1]            "Yes" ;
Three_Way_Conf_Serv[1]            "Yes" ;
Attn_Transfer_Serv[1]             "Yes" ;
Unattn_Transfer_Serv[1]           "Yes" ;
MWI_Serv[1]                       "Yes" ;
VMWI_Serv[1]                      "Yes" ;
Speed_Dial_Serv[1]                "Yes" ;
Secure_Call_Serv[1]               "Yes" ;
Referral_Serv[1]                  "Yes" ;
Feature_Dial_Serv[1]              "Yes" ;

# *** Audio Configuration

Preferred_Codec[1]                "G711u" ;  # options: 
Silence_Supp_Enable[1]            "No" ;
Use_Pref_Codec_Only[1]            "No" ;
Silence_Threshold[1]              "medium" ;  # options: high/medium/low
G729a_Enable[1]                   "Yes" ;
Echo_Canc_Enable[1]               "Yes" ;
G723_Enable[1]                    "Yes" ;
Echo_Canc_Adapt_Enable[1]         "Yes" ;
G726-16_Enable[1]                 "Yes" ;
Echo_Supp_Enable[1]               "Yes" ;
G726-24_Enable[1]                 "Yes" ;
FAX_CED_Detect_Enable[1]          "Yes" ;
G726-32_Enable[1]                 "Yes" ;
FAX_CNG_Detect_Enable[1]          "Yes" ;
G726-40_Enable[1]                 "Yes" ;
FAX_Passthru_Codec[1]             "G711u" ;  # options: G711u/G711a
DTMF_Process_INFO[1]              "Yes" ;
FAX_Codec_Symmetric[1]            "Yes" ;
DTMF_Process_AVT[1]               "Yes" ;
FAX_Passthru_Method[1]            "NSE" ;  # options: None/NSE/ReINVITE
DTMF_Tx_Method[1]                 "Auto" ;  # options: 
FAX_Process_NSE[1]                "Yes" ;
Hook_Flash_Tx_Method[1]           "None" ;  # options: None/AVT/INFO
Release_Unused_Codec[1]           "Yes" ;

# *** Dial Plan

"(*xx|[3469]11|0|00|[2-9]xxxxxx|1xxx[2-9]xxxxxxS0|xxxxxxxxxxxx.)" ;
Enable_IP_Dialing[1]              "No" ;

# *** FXS Port Polarity Configuration

Idle_Polarity[1]                  "Forward" ;  # options: Forward/Reverse
Caller_Conn_Polarity[1]           "Forward" ;  # options: Forward/Reverse
Callee_Conn_Polarity[1]           "Forward" ;  # options: Forward/Reverse

# *** Call Forward Settings

Cfwd_All_Dest[1]                ! "" ;
Cfwd_Busy_Dest[1]               ! "" ;
Cfwd_No_Ans_Dest[1]             ! "" ;
Cfwd_No_Ans_Delay[1]            ! "20" ;

# *** Selective Call Forward Settings

Cfwd_Sel1_Caller[1]             ! "" ;
Cfwd_Sel1_Dest[1]               ! "" ;
Cfwd_Sel2_Caller[1]             ! "" ;
Cfwd_Sel2_Dest[1]               ! "" ;
Cfwd_Sel3_Caller[1]             ! "" ;
Cfwd_Sel3_Dest[1]               ! "" ;
Cfwd_Sel4_Caller[1]             ! "" ;
Cfwd_Sel4_Dest[1]               ! "" ;
Cfwd_Sel5_Caller[1]             ! "" ;
Cfwd_Sel5_Dest[1]               ! "" ;
Cfwd_Sel6_Caller[1]             ! "" ;
Cfwd_Sel6_Dest[1]               ! "" ;
Cfwd_Sel7_Caller[1]             ! "" ;
Cfwd_Sel7_Dest[1]               ! "" ;
Cfwd_Sel8_Caller[1]             ! "" ;
Cfwd_Sel8_Dest[1]               ! "" ;
Cfwd_Last_Caller[1]             ! "" ;
Cfwd_Last_Dest[1]               ! "" ;
Block_Last_Caller[1]            ! "" ;
Accept_Last_Caller[1]           ! "" ;

# *** Speed Dial Settings

Speed_Dial_2[1]                 ! "" ;
Speed_Dial_3[1]                 ! "" ;
Speed_Dial_4[1]                 ! "" ;
Speed_Dial_5[1]                 ! "" ;
Speed_Dial_6[1]                 ! "" ;
Speed_Dial_7[1]                 ! "" ;
Speed_Dial_8[1]                 ! "" ;
Speed_Dial_9[1]                 ! "" ;

# *** Supplementary Service Settings

CW_Setting[1]                   ! "Yes" ;
Block_CID_Setting[1]            ! "No" ;
Block_ANC_Setting[1]            ! "No" ;
DND_Setting[1]                  ! "No" ;
CID_Setting[1]                  ! "Yes" ;
CWCID_Setting[1]                ! "Yes" ;
Dist_Ring_Setting[1]            ! "Yes" ;
Secure_Call_Setting[1]            "No" ;
Message_Waiting[1]              ! "No" ;

# *** Distinctive Ring Settings

Ring1_Caller[1]                 ! "" ;
Ring2_Caller[1]                 ! "" ;
Ring3_Caller[1]                 ! "" ;
Ring4_Caller[1]                 ! "" ;
Ring5_Caller[1]                 ! "" ;
Ring6_Caller[1]                 ! "" ;
Ring7_Caller[1]                 ! "" ;
Ring8_Caller[1]                 ! "" ;

# *** Ring Settings

Default_Ring[1]                 ! "1" ;  # options: 1/2/3/4/5/6/7/8
Default_CWT[1]                  ! "1" ;  # options: 1/2/3/4/5/6/7/8
Hold_Reminder_Ring[1]           ! "8" ;  # options: 1/2/3/4/5/6/7/8/none
Call_Back_Ring[1]               ! "7" ;  # options: 1/2/3/4/5/6/7/8
Cfwd_Ring_Splash_Len[1]         ! "0" ;
Cblk_Ring_Splash_Len[1]         ! "0" ;
VMWI_Ring_Splash_Len[1]         ! ".5" ;
VMWI_Ring_Policy[1]               "New VM Available" ;  # options: New VM 
Available/New VM Becomes Available/New VM Arrives
Ring_On_No_New_VM[1]              "No" ;

# ***

Line_Enable[2]                    "Yes" ;

# *** Streaming Audio Server (SAS)

SAS_Enable[2]                     "No" ;
SAS_DLG_Refresh_Intvl[2]          "30" ;
SAS_Inbound_RTP_Sink[2]           "" ;

# *** NAT Settings

NAT_Mapping_Enable[2]             "No" ;
NAT_Keep_Alive_Enable[2]          "No" ;
NAT_Keep_Alive_Msg[2]             "$NOTIFY" ;
NAT_Keep_Alive_Dest[2]            "$PROXY" ;

# *** Network Settings

SIP_TOS/DiffServ_Value[2]         "0x68" ;
Network_Jitter_Level[2]           "high" ;  # options: low/medium/high/very 
RTP_TOS/DiffServ_Value[2]         "0xb8" ;

# *** SIP Settings

SIP_Port[2]                       "5061" ;
SIP_100REL_Enable[2]              "No" ;
EXT_SIP_Port[2]                   "" ;
Auth_Resync-Reboot[2]             "Yes" ;
SIP_Debug_Option[2]               "none" ;  # options: none/1-line/1-line 
excl. OPT/1-line excl. NTFY/1-line excl. REG/1-line excl. 
OPT|NTFY|REG/full/full excl. OPT/full excl. NTFY/full excl. REG/full excl. 
RTP_Log_Intvl[2]                  "0" ;

# *** Call Feature Settings

Blind_Attn-Xfer_Enable[2]         "No" ;
MOH_Server[2]                     "" ;
Xfer_When_Hangup_Conf[2]          "Yes" ;

# *** Proxy and Registration

Proxy[2]                          "" ;
Use_Outbound_Proxy[2]             "No" ;
Outbound_Proxy[2]                 "" ;
Use_OB_Proxy_In_Dialog[2]         "Yes" ;
Register[2]                       "Yes" ;
Make_Call_Without_Reg[2]          "No" ;
Register_Expires[2]               "3600" ;
Ans_Call_Without_Reg[2]           "No" ;
Use_DNS_SRV[2]                    "No" ;
DNS_SRV_Auto_Prefix[2]            "No" ;
Proxy_Fallback_Intvl[2]           "3600" ;

# *** Subscriber Information

Display_Name[2]                   "" ;
User_ID[2]                        "" ;
Password[2]                       "" ;
Use_Auth_ID[2]                    "No" ;
Auth_ID[2]                        "" ;
Mini_Certificate[2]               "" ;
SRTP_Private_Key[2]               "" ;

# *** Supplementary Service Subscription

Call_Waiting_Serv[2]              "Yes" ;
Block_CID_Serv[2]                 "Yes" ;
Block_ANC_Serv[2]                 "Yes" ;
Dist_Ring_Serv[2]                 "Yes" ;
Cfwd_All_Serv[2]                  "Yes" ;
Cfwd_Busy_Serv[2]                 "Yes" ;
Cfwd_No_Ans_Serv[2]               "Yes" ;
Cfwd_Sel_Serv[2]                  "Yes" ;
Cfwd_Last_Serv[2]                 "Yes" ;
Block_Last_Serv[2]                "Yes" ;
Accept_Last_Serv[2]               "Yes" ;
DND_Serv[2]                       "Yes" ;
CID_Serv[2]                       "Yes" ;
CWCID_Serv[2]                     "Yes" ;
Call_Return_Serv[2]               "Yes" ;
Call_Back_Serv[2]                 "Yes" ;
Three_Way_Call_Serv[2]            "Yes" ;
Three_Way_Conf_Serv[2]            "Yes" ;
Attn_Transfer_Serv[2]             "Yes" ;
Unattn_Transfer_Serv[2]           "Yes" ;
MWI_Serv[2]                       "Yes" ;
VMWI_Serv[2]                      "Yes" ;
Speed_Dial_Serv[2]                "Yes" ;
Secure_Call_Serv[2]               "Yes" ;
Referral_Serv[2]                  "Yes" ;
Feature_Dial_Serv[2]              "Yes" ;

# *** Audio Configuration

Preferred_Codec[2]                "G711u" ;  # options: 
Silence_Supp_Enable[2]            "No" ;
Use_Pref_Codec_Only[2]            "No" ;
Silence_Threshold[2]              "medium" ;  # options: high/medium/low
G729a_Enable[2]                   "Yes" ;
Echo_Canc_Enable[2]               "Yes" ;
G723_Enable[2]                    "Yes" ;
Echo_Canc_Adapt_Enable[2]         "Yes" ;
G726-16_Enable[2]                 "Yes" ;
Echo_Supp_Enable[2]               "Yes" ;
G726-24_Enable[2]                 "Yes" ;
FAX_CED_Detect_Enable[2]          "Yes" ;
G726-32_Enable[2]                 "Yes" ;
FAX_CNG_Detect_Enable[2]          "Yes" ;
G726-40_Enable[2]                 "Yes" ;
FAX_Passthru_Codec[2]             "G711u" ;  # options: G711u/G711a
DTMF_Process_INFO[2]              "Yes" ;
FAX_Codec_Symmetric[2]            "Yes" ;
DTMF_Process_AVT[2]               "Yes" ;
FAX_Passthru_Method[2]            "NSE" ;  # options: None/NSE/ReINVITE
DTMF_Tx_Method[2]                 "Auto" ;  # options: 
FAX_Process_NSE[2]                "Yes" ;
Hook_Flash_Tx_Method[2]           "None" ;  # options: None/AVT/INFO
Release_Unused_Codec[2]           "Yes" ;

# *** Dial Plan

"(*xx|[3469]11|0|00|[2-9]xxxxxx|1xxx[2-9]xxxxxxS0|xxxxxxxxxxxx.)" ;
Enable_IP_Dialing[2]              "No" ;

# *** FXS Port Polarity Configuration

Idle_Polarity[2]                  "Forward" ;  # options: Forward/Reverse
Caller_Conn_Polarity[2]           "Forward" ;  # options: Forward/Reverse
Callee_Conn_Polarity[2]           "Forward" ;  # options: Forward/Reverse

# *** Call Forward Settings

Cfwd_All_Dest[2]                ! "" ;
Cfwd_Busy_Dest[2]               ! "" ;
Cfwd_No_Ans_Dest[2]             ! "" ;
Cfwd_No_Ans_Delay[2]            ! "20" ;

# *** Selective Call Forward Settings

Cfwd_Sel1_Caller[2]             ! "" ;
Cfwd_Sel1_Dest[2]               ! "" ;
Cfwd_Sel2_Caller[2]             ! "" ;
Cfwd_Sel2_Dest[2]               ! "" ;
Cfwd_Sel3_Caller[2]             ! "" ;
Cfwd_Sel3_Dest[2]               ! "" ;
Cfwd_Sel4_Caller[2]             ! "" ;
Cfwd_Sel4_Dest[2]               ! "" ;
Cfwd_Sel5_Caller[2]             ! "" ;
Cfwd_Sel5_Dest[2]               ! "" ;
Cfwd_Sel6_Caller[2]             ! "" ;
Cfwd_Sel6_Dest[2]               ! "" ;
Cfwd_Sel7_Caller[2]             ! "" ;
Cfwd_Sel7_Dest[2]               ! "" ;
Cfwd_Sel8_Caller[2]             ! "" ;
Cfwd_Sel8_Dest[2]               ! "" ;
Cfwd_Last_Caller[2]             ! "" ;
Cfwd_Last_Dest[2]               ! "" ;
Block_Last_Caller[2]            ! "" ;
Accept_Last_Caller[2]           ! "" ;

# *** Speed Dial Settings

Speed_Dial_2[2]                 ! "" ;
Speed_Dial_3[2]                 ! "" ;
Speed_Dial_4[2]                 ! "" ;
Speed_Dial_5[2]                 ! "" ;
Speed_Dial_6[2]                 ! "" ;
Speed_Dial_7[2]                 ! "" ;
Speed_Dial_8[2]                 ! "" ;
Speed_Dial_9[2]                 ! "" ;

# *** Supplementary Service Settings

CW_Setting[2]                   ! "Yes" ;
Block_CID_Setting[2]            ! "No" ;
Block_ANC_Setting[2]            ! "No" ;
DND_Setting[2]                  ! "No" ;
CID_Setting[2]                  ! "Yes" ;
CWCID_Setting[2]                ! "Yes" ;
Dist_Ring_Setting[2]            ! "Yes" ;
Secure_Call_Setting[2]            "No" ;
Message_Waiting[2]              ! "No" ;

# *** Distinctive Ring Settings

Ring1_Caller[2]                 ! "" ;
Ring2_Caller[2]                 ! "" ;
Ring3_Caller[2]                 ! "" ;
Ring4_Caller[2]                 ! "" ;
Ring5_Caller[2]                 ! "" ;
Ring6_Caller[2]                 ! "" ;
Ring7_Caller[2]                 ! "" ;
Ring8_Caller[2]                 ! "" ;

# *** Ring Settings

Default_Ring[2]                 ! "1" ;  # options: 1/2/3/4/5/6/7/8
Default_CWT[2]                  ! "1" ;  # options: 1/2/3/4/5/6/7/8
Hold_Reminder_Ring[2]           ! "8" ;  # options: 1/2/3/4/5/6/7/8/none
Call_Back_Ring[2]               ! "7" ;  # options: 1/2/3/4/5/6/7/8
Cfwd_Ring_Splash_Len[2]         ! "0" ;
Cblk_Ring_Splash_Len[2]         ! "0" ;
VMWI_Ring_Splash_Len[2]         ! ".5" ;
VMWI_Ring_Policy[2]               "New VM Available" ;  # options: New VM 
Available/New VM Becomes Available/New VM Arrives
Ring_On_No_New_VM[2]              "No" ;

# *** Call Progress Tones

Dial_Tone                         "350 em -19,440 em -19;10(*/0/1+2)" ;
Second_Dial_Tone                  "420 em -19,520 em -19;10(*/0/1+2)" ;
Outside_Dial_Tone                 "420 em -16;10(*/0/1)" ;
Prompt_Tone                       "520 em -19,620 em -19;10(*/0/1+2)" ;
Busy_Tone                         "480 em -19,620 em -19;10(.5/.5/1+2)" ;
Reorder_Tone                      "480 em -19,620 em -19;10(.25/.25/1+2)" ;
Off_Hook_Warning_Tone             "480 em -10,620 em 0;10(.125/.125/1+2)" ;
Ring_Back_Tone                    "440 em -19,480 em -19;*(2/4/1+2)" ;
Confirm_Tone                      "600 em -16;1(.25/.25/1)" ;
"985 em -16,1428 em -16,1777 em -16;20(.380/0/1,.380/0/2,.380/0/3,0/4/0)" ;
"914 em -16,1371 em -16,1777 em -16;20(.274/0/1,.274/0/2,.380/0/3,0/4/0)" ;
"914 em -16,1371 em -16,1777 em -16;20(.380/0/1,.380/0/2,.380/0/3,0/4/0)" ;
"985 em -16,1371 em -16,1777 em -16;20(.380/0/1,.274/0/2,.380/0/3,0/4/0)" ;
MWI_Dial_Tone                     "350 em -19,440 em -19;2(.1/.1/1+2);10(*/0/1+2)" 
Cfwd_Dial_Tone                    "350 em -19,440 em -19;2(.2/.2/1+2);10(*/0/1+2)" 
Holding_Tone                      "600 em -19;*(.1/.1/1,.1/.1/1,.1/9.5/1)" ;
Conference_Tone                   "350 em -19;20(.1/.1/1,.1/9.7/1)" ;
"397 em -19,507 em -19;15(0/2/0,.2/.1/1,.1/2.1/2)" ;

# *** Distinctive Ring Patterns

Ring1_Cadence                     "60(2/4)" ;
Ring2_Cadence                     "60(.3/.2,1/.2,.3/4)" ;
Ring3_Cadence                     "60(.8/.4,.8/4)" ;
Ring4_Cadence                     "60(.4/.2,.3/.2,.8/4)" ;
Ring5_Cadence                     "60(.2/.2,.2/.2,.2/.2,1/4)" ;
Ring6_Cadence                     "60(.2/.4,.2/.4,.2/4)" ;
Ring7_Cadence                     "60(.4/.2,.4/.2,.4/4)" ;
Ring8_Cadence                     "60(0.25/9.75)" ;

# *** Distinctive Call Waiting Tone Patterns

CWT1_Cadence                      "30(.3/9.7)" ;
CWT2_Cadence                      "30(.1/.1, .1/9.7)" ;
CWT3_Cadence                      "30(.1/.1, .3/.1, .1/9.3)" ;
CWT4_Cadence                      "30(.1/.1,.1/.1,.1/9.5)" ;
CWT5_Cadence                      "30(.3/.1,.1/.1,.3/9.1)" ;
CWT6_Cadence                      "30(.1/.1,.3/.2,.3/9.1)" ;
CWT7_Cadence                      "30(.3/.1,.3/.1,.1/9.1)" ;
CWT8_Cadence                      "2.3(.3/2)" ;

# *** Distinctive Ring/CWT Pattern Names

Ring1_Name                        "Bellcore-r1" ;
Ring2_Name                        "Bellcore-r2" ;
Ring3_Name                        "Bellcore-r3" ;
Ring4_Name                        "Bellcore-r4" ;
Ring5_Name                        "Bellcore-r5" ;
Ring6_Name                        "Bellcore-r6" ;
Ring7_Name                        "Bellcore-r7" ;
Ring8_Name                        "Bellcore-r8" ;

# *** Ring and Call Waiting Tone Spec

Ring_Waveform                     "Sinusoid" ;  # options: 
Ring_Frequency                    "25" ;
Ring_Voltage                      "70" ;
CWT_Frequency                     "440 em -10" ;

# *** Control Timer Values (sec)

Hook_Flash_Timer_Min              ".1" ;
Hook_Flash_Timer_Max              ".9" ;
Callee_On_Hook_Delay              "0" ;
Reorder_Delay                     "5" ;
Call_Back_Expires                 "1800" ;
Call_Back_Retry_Intvl             "30" ;
Call_Back_Delay                   ".5" ;
VMWI_Refresh_Intvl                "0" ;
Interdigit_Long_Timer             "10" ;
Interdigit_Short_Timer            "3" ;
CPC_Delay                         "2" ;
CPC_Duration                      "0" ;

# *** Vertical Service Activation Codes

Call_Return_Code                  "*69" ;
Blind_Transfer_Code               "*98" ;
Call_Back_Act_Code                "*66" ;
Call_Back_Deact_Code              "*86" ;
Cfwd_All_Act_Code                 "*72" ;
Cfwd_All_Deact_Code               "*73" ;
Cfwd_Busy_Act_Code                "*90" ;
Cfwd_Busy_Deact_Code              "*91" ;
Cfwd_No_Ans_Act_Code              "*92" ;
Cfwd_No_Ans_Deact_Code            "*93" ;
Cfwd_Last_Act_Code                "*63" ;
Cfwd_Last_Deact_Code              "*83" ;
Block_Last_Act_Code               "*60" ;
Block_Last_Deact_Code             "*80" ;
Accept_Last_Act_Code              "*64" ;
Accept_Last_Deact_Code            "*84" ;
CW_Act_Code                       "*56" ;
CW_Deact_Code                     "*57" ;
CW_Per_Call_Act_Code              "*71" ;
CW_Per_Call_Deact_Code            "*70" ;
Block_CID_Act_Code                "*67" ;
Block_CID_Deact_Code              "*68" ;
Block_CID_Per_Call_Act_Code       "*81" ;
Block_CID_Per_Call_Deact_Code     "*82" ;
Block_ANC_Act_Code                "*77" ;
Block_ANC_Deact_Code              "*87" ;
DND_Act_Code                      "*78" ;
DND_Deact_Code                    "*79" ;
CID_Act_Code                      "*65" ;
CID_Deact_Code                    "*85" ;
CWCID_Act_Code                    "*25" ;
CWCID_Deact_Code                  "*45" ;
Dist_Ring_Act_Code                "*26" ;
Dist_Ring_Deact_Code              "*46" ;
Speed_Dial_Act_Code               "*74" ;
Secure_All_Call_Act_Code          "*16" ;
Secure_No_Call_Act_Code           "*17" ;
Secure_One_Call_Act_Code          "*18" ;
Secure_One_Call_Deact_Code        "*19" ;
Conference_Act_Code               "" ;
Attn-Xfer_Act_Code                "" ;
Referral_Services_Codes           "" ;
Feature_Dial_Services_Codes       "" ;

# *** Outbound Call Codec Selection Codes

Prefer_G711u_Code                 "*017110" ;
Force_G711u_Code                  "*027110" ;
Prefer_G711a_Code                 "*017111" ;
Force_G711a_Code                  "*027111" ;
Prefer_G723_Code                  "*01723" ;
Force_G723_Code                   "*02723" ;
Prefer_G726r16_Code               "*0172616" ;
Force_G726r16_Code                "*0272616" ;
Prefer_G726r24_Code               "*0172624" ;
Force_G726r24_Code                "*0272624" ;
Prefer_G726r32_Code               "*0172632" ;
Force_G726r32_Code                "*0272632" ;
Prefer_G726r40_Code               "*0172640" ;
Force_G726r40_Code                "*0272640" ;
Prefer_G729a_Code                 "*01729" ;
Force_G729a_Code                  "*02729" ;

# *** Miscellaneous

Set_Local_Date_(mm/dd)            "" ;
Set_Local_Time_(HH/mm)            "" ;
Time_Zone                         "GMT-07:00" ;  # options: 
FXS_Port_Impedance                "600" ;  # options: 
FXS_Port_Input_Gain               "-3" ;
FXS_Port_Output_Gain              "-3" ;
DTMF_Playback_Level               "-16" ;
DTMF_Playback_Length              ".1" ;
Detect_ABCD                       "Yes" ;
Playback_ABCD                     "Yes" ;
Caller_ID_Method                  "Bellcore(N.Amer,China)" ;  # options: 
Bellcore(N.Amer,China)/DTMF(Finland,Sweden)/DTMF(Denmark)/ETSI DTMF/ETSI 
FXS_Port_Power_Limit              "3" ;  # options: 1/2/3/4/5/6/7/8
Protect_IVR_FactoryReset          "No" ;

----- Original Message ----- 
From: Henrique Petry Rauber
To: asteriskbrasil em listas.asteriskbrasil.org
Sent: Friday, October 03, 2008 3:05 PM
Subject: Re: [AsteriskBrasil] configurar PAP2 em escala

Alguém possui o arquivo pap2.cfg para realizar o provisionmento??
Quero conifgurar vários atas de uma vez enviando o arquivo de
configuração para o ata.
Porém não sei como montar o arquivo para enviar para o ata..


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