[AsteriskBrasil] Fwd: [asterisk-dev] Asterisk 1.4.24 Now Available!
Denis Galvão
denisgalvao em gmail.com
Sexta Março 20 16:07:51 BRT 2009
Para conhecimento.
Denis Galvão
Ajude a comunidade AsteriskBrasil.org, compre uma camiseta!
Begin forwarded message:
> From: Asterisk Development Team <asteriskteam em digium.com>
> Date: 16 de março de 2009 19h42min56s GMT-03:00
> To: asteriskteam em digium.com
> Subject: [asterisk-dev] Asterisk 1.4.24 Now Available!
> Reply-To: Asterisk Developers Mailing List <asterisk-dev em lists.digium.com
> >
> The Asterisk Development Team is proud to announce release of
> Asterisk 1.4.24,
> and is available for immediate download at http://
> downloads.digium.com/
> In addition to other bug fixes, this release candidate fixes several
> crash
> issues, and resolved some remaining issues related to call pickup
> and call
> parking that were discovered after the release of Asterisk 1.4.23.
> In addition,
> issues related to chan_iax2, and regressions introduced to the 'h'
> extension
> have been resolved.
> This release marks the first inclusion of the release summary files
> which will
> be included in all future releases. The purpose is to give a clearer
> overview
> of the changes that have taken place between the current and
> previous release,
> which issues have been closed, and which community members were
> involved with
> issue submission, code commits, and issue testing. Additionally, a
> diffstat at
> the end of the file shows at a brief glance the number of changes
> made to
> files between the previous and current releases.
> For a summary of the changes in this release, please see the release
> summary:
> http://svn.digium.com/view/asterisk/tags/1.4.24/asterisk-1.4.24-summary.html?view=co
> For a full list of changes in this release, please see the ChangeLog:
> http://svn.digium.com/view/asterisk/tags/1.4.24/ChangeLog?view=co
> The following list of bugs were resolved with the participation of the
> community, and this release would not have been possible without
> your help!
> * Paging application crashes asterisk
> - Closes issue #14308. Submitted by bluefox. Tested by kc0bvu.
> Patched by
> seanbright.
> * Crash in VoiceMailMain if hangup occurs before a valid mailbox
> number is
> entered (IMAP only)
> - Closes issue #14473. Submitted by, and patch provided by dwpaul.
> * Incoming Gtalk calls fail
> - Closes issue #13984. Submitted by, tested, and patched by jcovert.
> * Realtime peers are never qualified after 'sip reload'
> - Closes issue #14196. Submitted by, tested, and patched by pdf.
> * SIP Attended Transfer fails
> - Closes issue 14611. Submitted by, tested, and patched by klaus3000.
> Thank you for your continued support of Asterisk!
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