[AsteriskBrasil] Dúvida a2billing

spiderslack spiderslack em yahoo.com.br
Terça Fevereiro 23 08:32:14 BRT 2010

Ola felipe,

Habilitei o debug e ele esta mandando a chamada para o tronco default. 
Não entendi porque ele esta fazendo isso, sendo que estou ligando num 
ramal no mesmo asterisk/a2billing, ou seja, não necessitaria de usar o 
tronco veja o log abaixo.

    -- Executing [111 em a2billing:1] Answer("SIP/0575148987-081cea78", "") 
in new stack
    -- Executing [111 em a2billing:2] Wait("SIP/0575148987-081cea78", "2") 
in new stack
    -- Executing [111 em a2billing:3] AGI("SIP/0575148987-081cea78", 
"a2billing.php") in new stack
    -- Launched AGI Script /usr/share/asterisk/agi-bin/a2billing.php
    -- Playing 'prepaid-you-have' (escape_digits=#) (sample_offset 0)
    -- Playing 'vm-and' (escape_digits=#) (sample_offset 0)
    -- <SIP/0575148987-081cea78> Playing 'digits/13' (language 'br')
    -- Playing 'prepaid-cents' (escape_digits=#) (sample_offset 0)
    -- <SIP/0575148987-081cea78> Playing 'prepaid-enter-dest' (language 
    -- Playing 'prepaid-you-have' (escape_digits=#) (sample_offset 0)
    -- <SIP/0575148987-081cea78> Playing 'digits/90' (language 'br')
    -- Playing 'prepaid-minutes' (escape_digits=#) (sample_offset 0)
    *-- AGI Script Executing Application: (DIAL) Options: 
(IAX2/kiki em switch-2.kiki.net/0117558166570|60|HRrL(5400000:61000:30000))*
    -- Limit Data for this call:
       > timelimit      = 5400000
       > play_warning   = 61000
       > play_to_caller = yes
       > play_to_callee = no
       > warning_freq   = 30000
       > start_sound    = (null)
       > warning_sound  = timeleft
       > end_sound      = (null)
[Feb 23 03:18:48] WARNING[4858]: chan_iax2.c:2943 create_addr: No such 
host: switch-2.kiki.net
[Feb 23 03:18:48] WARNING[4858]: app_dial.c:1210 dial_exec_full: Unable 
to create channel of type 'IAX2' (cause 3 - No route to destination)
  == Everyone is busy/congested at this time (1:0/0/1)
    -- Playing 'prepaid-dest-unreachable' (escape_digits=#) 
(sample_offset 0)
    -- <SIP/0575148987-081cea78> Playing 'prepaid-enter-dest' (language 
    -- <SIP/0575148987-081cea78> Playing 'prepaid-enter-dest' (language 
    -- Playing 'prepaid-you-have' (escape_digits=#) (sample_offset 0)
    -- <SIP/0575148987-081cea78> Playing 'digits/90' (language 'br')
    -- Playing 'prepaid-minutes' (escape_digits=#) (sample_offset 0)
    -- AGI Script Executing Application: (DIAL) Options: 
(IAX2/kiki em switch-2.kiki.net/0117558166570|60|HRrL(5400000:61000:30000))
    -- Limit Data for this call:
       > timelimit      = 5400000
       > play_warning   = 61000
       > play_to_caller = yes
       > play_to_callee = no
       > warning_freq   = 30000
       > start_sound    = (null)
       > warning_sound  = timeleft
       > end_sound      = (null)
[Feb 23 03:19:22] WARNING[4858]: chan_iax2.c:2943 create_addr: No such 
host: switch-2.kiki.net
[Feb 23 03:19:22] WARNING[4858]: app_dial.c:1210 dial_exec_full: Unable 
to create channel of type 'IAX2' (cause 3 - No route to destination)
  == Everyone is busy/congested at this time (1:0/0/1)
    -- Playing 'prepaid-dest-unreachable' (escape_digits=#) 
(sample_offset 0)
  == Spawn extension (a2billing, 111, 3) exited non-zero on 

Esse comportamento e correto???


Felipe R. Pasa wrote:
> Ricardo,
>  Não sei se ja conseguiu resolver, mas antes de qualquer coisa
> habilite o debug no a2billing.conf
> e em seguida realize uma nova chamada, aí sim voce consegue ver para
> aonde ele esta discando
> []'s
> Em 21 de fevereiro de 2010 21:31, Ricardo Barbosa
> <spiderslack em yahoo.com.br> escreveu:
>> Ola pessoal,
>> Instalei o a2billing criei 2 ramais(customer), criei um ratecard um rate e o plano de ligacao, porém tento ligar além dele me fala o valor em centavos incorreto, ele diz que o outro ramal esta indisponivel. Adicionei saldo para cada ramal porem mesmo assim ele sempre mostra 13 centavos. Abaixo segue a saida do cli do asterisk.
>> voip*CLI>
>>    -- Executing [111 em a2billing:1] Answer("SIP/0575148987-081d41c0", "") in new stack
>>    -- Executing [111 em a2billing:2] Wait("SIP/0575148987-081d41c0", "2") in new stack
>>    -- Executing [111 em a2billing:3] AGI("SIP/0575148987-081d41c0", "a2billing.php") in new stack
>>    -- Launched AGI Script /usr/share/asterisk/agi-bin/a2billing.php
>>    -- Playing 'prepaid-you-have' (escape_digits=#) (sample_offset 0)
>>    -- Playing 'vm-and' (escape_digits=#) (sample_offset 0)
>>    -- <SIP/0575148987-081d41c0> Playing 'digits/13' (language 'br')
>>    -- Playing 'prepaid-cents' (escape_digits=#) (sample_offset 0)
>>    -- <SIP/0575148987-081d41c0> Playing 'prepaid-enter-dest' (language 'br')
>>    -- Playing 'prepaid-dest-unreachable' (escape_digits=#) (sample_offset 0)
>>    -- <SIP/0575148987-081d41c0> Playing 'prepaid-enter-dest' (language 'br')
>> voip*CLI>
>> ele diz que que o ramal esta indisponivel. Alguém já passou por isso? ou tem idéia de onde estou errando, ou nao consigo tarifar ramais no mesmo a2billing. Desde já agradeço.
>> Atenciosamente.
>>      ____________________________________________________________________________________
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