[AsteriskBrasil] Erro ao executar query em PostgreSQL odbc voicemessage
Moisés Paes Sena
moi.oriontec em gmail.com
Segunda Junho 21 15:15:44 BRT 2010
Boa Tarde pessoal!!
Acabei resolvendo o problema.
Na verdade era eu que não estava sabendo fazer as configurações
Obrigado a todos pela ajuda, foram vocês que me clarearam o caminho até
chegar à solução.
Respondendo à última sugestão do Rodrigo Vian:
*-- "Tente descomentar a linha do voicemail no extconfig.conf..."
R.: Para odbc voicemessage storage não há a necessidade de
descomentar esta linha, pois (se nao me engano) ela se refere à
configurações do voicemessage armazenadas diretamente no BD, nao existindo
portanto, o arquivo "voicemessage.conf".
Segue os arquivos que tive de alterar (estas configurações foram testadas):
Description = ODBC for PostgreSQL
Driver = /usr/lib/libodbcpsql.so
Setup = /usr/lib/libodbcpsqlS.so
FileUsage = 1
Description = PostgreSQL connection to asterisk database
Driver = PostgreSQL
Trace = No
TraceFile = sql.log
Database = asterisk
Servername =
UserName = asterisk
Password = asterisk
Port = 5432
ReadOnly = No
RowVersioning = No
ShowSystemTables = No
ShowOidColumn = No
FakeOidIndex = No
ConnSettings =
dsn = asterisk-psql
loguniqueid = yes
dispositionstring = yes
table = cdr
enabled => yes
dsn => asterisk-psql
pre-connect => yes
odbcstorage = psql
odbctable = voicemessages
*No Banco de Dados do ASTERISK, tive criar a tabela voicemessages com
algumas funções e triggers:*
CREATE FUNCTION loin (cstring) RETURNS lo AS 'oidin'
CREATE FUNCTION loout (lo) RETURNS cstring AS 'oidout'
CREATE FUNCTION lorecv (internal) RETURNS lo AS 'oidrecv'
CREATE FUNCTION losend (lo) RETURNS bytea AS 'oidrecv'
CREATE TYPE lo ( INPUT = loin, OUTPUT = loout, RECEIVE = lorecv, SEND =
CREATE FUNCTION vm_lo_cleanup() RETURNS "trigger"
AS $$
msgcount INTEGER;
raise notice 'Starting lo_cleanup function for large object with
oid %',old.recording;
-- If it is an update action but the BLOB (lo) field was not
changed, dont do anything
if (TG_OP = 'UPDATE') then
if ((old.recording = new.recording) or (old.recording is NULL))
raise notice 'Not cleaning up the large object table, as
recording has not changed';
return new;
end if;
end if;
if (old.recording IS NOT NULL) then
SELECT INTO msgcount COUNT(*) AS COUNT FROM voicemessages WHERE
= old.recording;
if (msgcount > 0) then
raise notice 'Not deleting record from the large object table,
as object is still referenced';
return new;
perform lo_unlink(old.recording);
if found then
raise notice 'Cleaning up the large object table';
return new;
raise exception 'Failed to cleanup the large object table';
return old;
end if;
end if;
raise notice 'No need to cleanup the large object table, no
recording on old row';
return new;
end if;
LANGUAGE plpgsql;
CREATE TABLE voicemessages(
msgnum BIGINT,
dir varchar(80),
context varchar(80),
macrocontext varchar(80),
callerid varchar(40),
origtime varchar(40),
duration varchar(20),
mailboxuser varchar(80),
mailboxcontext varchar(80),
recording lo,
label varchar(30),
"read" bool DEFAULT false
-- -------------------------
É Isto aí pessoal!! funcionando redondinho da vida!
Um Abraço a todos vocês!!
Em 18 de junho de 2010 08:42, Moisés Paes Sena <moi.oriontec em gmail.com>escreveu:
> Bom dia pessoal!
> Estou querendo gravar as mensagens de voz no Banco de Dados Postgresql,
> usando a versão 8.44, nativa do CentOS 5.5, segui os passos de [1].
> Tenho uma extensão:
> exten => _1,1,Voicemail(250 em default);
> Quando ligo para '1', a aplicação Voicemail roda perfeitamente e me envia o
> email contendo a mensagem.
> Entretanto, durante a execução de Voicemail recebo as seguintes mensagens
> de erro conforme log abaixo.
> OBS.: A aplicação CDR funciona perfeitamente com esta mesma conexão
> de banco de dados.
> [1]
> http://astbook.asteriskdocs.org/en/2nd_Edition/asterisk-book-html-chunk/I_section12_tt1578.html
> OBS.: O meu ODBC está configurado apenas nos arquivos: cdr_odbc.conf e
> res_odbc.conf
> cdr_odbc.conf:
> [global]
> dsn = asterisk-connector
> username = asterisk
> password = asterisk
> loguniqueid = 1
> table = cdr
> res_odbc.conf:
> [asterisk]
> enabled => yes
> dsn => asterisk-connector
> username => asterisk
> password => asterisk
> pooling => no
> limit => -1
> pre-connect => yes
> Log:
> [Jun 18 08:36:50] DEBUG[2608] channel.c: Set channel SIP/250-00000002 to
> read format alaw
> [Jun 18 08:36:50] DEBUG[2608] app.c: Locked path
> '/var/spool/asterisk/voicemail/default/250/INBOX'
> [Jun 18 08:36:50] DEBUG[2608] app.c: Unlocked path
> '/var/spool/asterisk/voicemail/default/250/INBOX'
> [Jun 18 08:36:50] WARNING[2608] app_voicemail.c: SQL Prepare failed![DELETE
> FROM voicemessages WHERE dir=? AND msgnum=?]
> [Jun 18 08:36:50] WARNING[2608] res_odbc.c: SQL Prepare failed. Attempting
> a reconnect...
> [Jun 18 08:36:50] DEBUG[2608] res_odbc.c: Disconnected 0 from asterisk
> [asterisk-connector]
> [Jun 18 08:36:50] DEBUG[2608] res_odbc.c: Database handle deallocated
> [Jun 18 08:36:50] NOTICE[2608] res_odbc.c: Connecting asterisk
> [Jun 18 08:36:50] NOTICE[2608] res_odbc.c: res_odbc: Connected to asterisk
> [asterisk-connector]
> [Jun 18 08:36:50] WARNING[2608] app_voicemail.c: SQL Prepare failed![DELETE
> FROM voicemessages WHERE dir=? AND msgnum=?]
> [Jun 18 08:36:50] WARNING[2608] res_odbc.c: SQL Prepare failed. Attempting
> a reconnect...
> [Jun 18 08:36:50] DEBUG[2608] res_odbc.c: Disconnected 0 from asterisk
> [asterisk-connector]
> [Jun 18 08:36:50] DEBUG[2608] res_odbc.c: Database handle deallocated
> [Jun 18 08:36:50] NOTICE[2608] res_odbc.c: Connecting asterisk
> [Jun 18 08:36:50] NOTICE[2608] res_odbc.c: res_odbc: Connected to asterisk
> [asterisk-connector]
> [Jun 18 08:36:50] WARNING[2608] app_voicemail.c: SQL Execute error!
> [DELETE FROM voicemessages WHERE dir=? AND msgnum=?]
> [Jun 18 08:36:50] VERBOSE[2608] logger.c: == Parsing
> '/var/spool/asterisk/voicemail/default/250/INBOX/msg0000.txt': [Jun 18
> 08:36:50] DEBUG[2608] config.c: Parsing
> /var/spool/asterisk/voicemail/default/250/INBOX/msg0000.txt
> [Jun 18 08:36:50] VERBOSE[2608] logger.c: Found
> [Jun 18 08:36:50] WARNING[2608] app_voicemail.c: SQL Prepare failed![INSERT
> INTO voicemessages
> (dir,msgnum,recording,context,macrocontext,callerid,origtime,duration,mailboxuser,mailboxcontext)
> VALUES (?,?, ? , ?,?,?,?,?,?,?)]
> [Jun 18 08:36:50] WARNING[2608] res_odbc.c: SQL Prepare failed. Attempting
> a reconnect...
> [Jun 18 08:36:50] DEBUG[2608] res_odbc.c: Disconnected 0 from asterisk
> [asterisk-connector]
> [Jun 18 08:36:50] DEBUG[2608] res_odbc.c: Database handle deallocated
> [Jun 18 08:36:50] NOTICE[2608] res_odbc.c: Connecting asterisk
> [Jun 18 08:36:51] NOTICE[2608] res_odbc.c: res_odbc: Connected to asterisk
> [asterisk-connector]
> [Jun 18 08:36:51] WARNING[2608] app_voicemail.c: SQL Prepare failed![INSERT
> INTO voicemessages
> (dir,msgnum,recording,context,macrocontext,callerid,origtime,duration,mailboxuser,mailboxcontext)
> VALUES (?,?, ? , ?,?,?,?,?,?,?)]
> [Jun 18 08:36:51] WARNING[2608] res_odbc.c: SQL Prepare failed. Attempting
> a reconnect...
> [Jun 18 08:36:51] DEBUG[2608] res_odbc.c: Disconnected 0 from asterisk
> [asterisk-connector]
> [Jun 18 08:36:51] DEBUG[2608] res_odbc.c: Database handle deallocated
> [Jun 18 08:36:51] NOTICE[2608] res_odbc.c: Connecting asterisk
> [Jun 18 08:36:51] NOTICE[2608] res_odbc.c: res_odbc: Connected to asterisk
> [asterisk-connector]
> [Jun 18 08:36:51] DEBUG[2608] app_voicemail.c: Attaching file
> '/var/spool/asterisk/voicemail/default/250/INBOX/msg0000', format 'WAV',
> uservm is '2048', global is 2048
> [Jun 18 08:36:51] VERBOSE[2608] logger.c: == Parsing
> '/var/spool/asterisk/voicemail/default/250/INBOX/msg0000.txt': [Jun 18
> 08:36:51] DEBUG[2608] config.c: Parsing
> /var/spool/asterisk/voicemail/default/250/INBOX/msg0000.txt
> [Jun 18 08:36:51] VERBOSE[2608] logger.c: Found
> [Jun 18 08:36:51] DEBUG[2608] devicestate.c: Notification of state change
> to be queued on device/channel Substitution/voicemail
> [Jun 18 08:36:51] VERBOSE[2608] logger.c: == Parsing
> '/var/spool/asterisk/voicemail/default/250/INBOX/msg0000.txt': [Jun 18
> 08:36:51] DEBUG[2608] config.c: Parsing
> /var/spool/asterisk/voicemail/default/250/INBOX/msg0000.txt
> [Jun 18 08:36:51] VERBOSE[2608] logger.c: Found
> [Jun 18 08:36:51] DEBUG[2608] devicestate.c: Notification of state change
> to be queued on device/channel Substitution/voicemail
> [Jun 18 08:36:51] DEBUG[2608] app_voicemail.c: Sent mail to
> moises em oriontec.com.br with command '/usr/sbin/sendmail -t'
> [Jun 18 08:36:51] DEBUG[2109] devicestate.c: No provider found, checking
> channel drivers for Substitution - voicemail
> [Jun 18 08:36:51] DEBUG[2109] devicestate.c: Changing state for
> Substitution/voicemail - state 4 (Invalid)
> [Jun 18 08:36:51] DEBUG[2109] devicestate.c: No provider found, checking
> channel drivers for Substitution - voicemail
> [Jun 18 08:36:51] DEBUG[2109] devicestate.c: Changing state for
> Substitution/voicemail - state 4 (Invalid)
> [Jun 18 08:36:51] DEBUG[2231] app_queue.c: Device 'Substitution/voicemail'
> changed to state '4' (Invalid) but we don't care because they're not a
> member of any queue.
> [Jun 18 08:36:51] DEBUG[2231] app_queue.c: Device 'Substitution/voicemail'
> changed to state '4' (Invalid) but we don't care because they're not a
> member of any queue.
> [Jun 18 08:36:51] DEBUG[2608] pbx.c: Spawn extension (interno,1,1) exited
> non-zero on 'SIP/250-00000002'
> [Jun 18 08:36:51] VERBOSE[2608] logger.c: == Spawn extension (interno, 1,
> 1) exited non-zero on 'SIP/250-00000002'
> [Jun 18 08:36:51] DEBUG[2608] channel.c: Soft-Hanging up channel
> 'SIP/250-00000002'
> [Jun 18 08:36:51] DEBUG[2608] channel.c: Hanging up channel
> 'SIP/250-00000002'
> [Jun 18 08:36:51] DEBUG[2608] chan_sip.c: Hangup call SIP/250-00000002, SIP
> callid NTg1MmFmZTQ3YjAxYmFkMzg1MjQxY2Y3ODk2YTc0OTc.)
> [Jun 18 08:36:51] DEBUG[2608] chan_sip.c: Updating call counter for
> incoming call
> [Jun 18 08:36:51] DEBUG[2608] chan_sip.c: Call from user '250' removed from
> call limit 10
> [Jun 18 08:36:51] VERBOSE[2608] logger.c: > cdr_odbc: Connected to
> asterisk-connector
> [Jun 18 08:36:51] VERBOSE[2608] logger.c: > cdr_odbc: Error in
> [Jun 18 08:36:51] VERBOSE[2608] logger.c: > cdr_odbc: Query FAILED
> Call not logged!
> --
> Moisés P. Sena <moises em oriontec.com.br>
> (Desenvolvedor WEB)
> Oriontec Automação Comercial
> http://www.oriontec.com.br
Moisés P. Sena <moises em oriontec.com.br>
(Desenvolvedor WEB)
Oriontec Automação Comercial
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