[AsteriskBrasil] Problemas para instalar placa FXS/FXO em Elastix

Kaue Link kkauel em hotmail.com
Sexta Março 16 08:37:18 BRT 2012

Tenho uma placa FXS/FXO openvox A1200P, num servidor com Elastix.
***Carreguei os módulos.
modprobe dahdimodprobe opvxa1200
****Então executei...*********************************dahdi_genconf -v
[root em localhost dahdi]# dahdi_genconf -vDefault parameters from /etc/dahdi/genconf_parametersEmpty configuration -- no spansGenerating /etc/dahdi/system.confEmpty configuration -- no spansGenerating /etc/asterisk/dahdi-channels.confEmpty configuration -- no spansGenerating /etc/asterisk/extra-channels.conf*********************************************************************"/etc/asterisk/dahdi-channels.conf" está somente com o cabeçalho.**********[root em localhost dahdi]# vi /etc/dahdi/system.conf# Autogenerated by /usr/sbin/dahdi_genconf on Fri Mar 16 08:33:18 2012# If you edit this file and execute /usr/sbin/dahdi_genconf again,# your manual changes will be LOST.# Dahdi Configuration File## This file is parsed by the Dahdi Configurator, dahdi_cfg## Global data
loadzone        = usdefaultzone     = us*****************************[root em localhost dahdi]# dahdi_hardwarepci:0000:00:09.0     opvxa1200-   e159:0001 OpenVox A1200P/A1200E/A800P/A800E*****************************
Alguém sabe qual pode ser o problema.
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