[AsteriskBrasil] at long last
email em keldnner.com.br
Segunda Maio 15 11:57:30 BRT 2017
Dear friend!
At long last my prayers were answered and they have published my book, you can find more info about it here http://jenn.gulfbreezeflvacationhome.com
Very truly yours, email
From: asteriskbrasil at listas.asteriskbrasil.org [mailto:asteriskbrasil at listas.asteriskbrasil.org]
Sent: Monday, May 15, 2017 10:57 AM
To: email at keldnner.com.br
Subject: Looking better.
The clogged cowel drains are what everyone claims is the leak but it's not. I'd go ahead and replace your 10 cowel grommets that hold your cowel panel in place. They make new ones that seal with a heat gun. It could also be a seam seal leak. I can't remember the TSB band but look up "05-09 mustang water leak TSB"
Sent from Mail for Windows 10
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