[AsteriskBrasil] Fwd: [asterisk-dev] Asterisk 11 EOL Announcement
Richard Amaral de Jesus
richard.ajesus em gmail.com
Quarta Outubro 25 15:50:43 BRST 2017
Descanse em paz.
2017-10-25 12:50 GMT-02:00 Sylvio Jollenbeck <sylvio.jollenbeck em gmail.com>:
> Dearly Beloved,
> We have gathered here today to mourn the passing of a deeply regarded
> branch of Asterisk - Asterisk 11. As of today, it has officially
> reached its end of life. It was a good branch, having served 5 years
> faithfully in the service of its users. As far as history goes,
> 11.0.0 was born on November 28th 2012. It had 1458 commits in its 5
> year life, and some will try to use it even after its useful end of
> life. Now, mostly due to the fact that it is no longer with us,
> Asterisk 11 will become one of the “great” releases of Asterisk,
> joining the ranks of all the other “great” branches such as 1.0, 1.2,
> 1.4, 1.6, 1.8, and 10. Please join with me now for a moment of
> silence for it, as it passes to the great beyond.
> In all seriousness, if you didn’t get the humor in the above message,
> today is the day that Asterisk 11 officially goes end of life. For
> the last year, Asterisk 11 has been in security fix only mode, meaning
> it stopped receive regular bug fixes a year ago, and has only received
> security related fixes. Today that all ends and not even security
> fixes will going into that branch. If you haven’t gotten off of it
> yet, there is no better time than the present.
> If you’re curious about the dates and times associated with life
> cycles transitions on Asterisk branches, you can read more at
> https://wiki.asterisk.org/wiki/display/AST/Asterisk+Versions
> Last of all, thanks to all of you who contribute to the Asterisk
> project, whether it be bug reports, bug fixes, new feature
> development, or helping other users by answering questions on the
> mailing lists, forums, and other venues. At the end of the day, it’s
> the quality of the user and development community that make Asterisk
> such a great project.
> Best wishes.
> --
> Matthew Fredrickson
> Digium, Inc. | Engineering Manager
> 445 Jan Davis Drive NW - Huntsville, AL 35806 - USA
> --
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