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bom dia lista, <br>
Fiz a instalação do asterisk-oh323-0.7.3 e
asterisk-oh323-0.7.3.listen.patch com openh323-Mimas_patch2-src-tar.gz
e pwlib-Mimas_patch2-src-tar.gz, o modulo foi criado, carreguei ele,
ele se registra, mas na hora de fazer uma chamada, ele da um crash no
asterisk, caindo tudo .. ateh o q ja ta no chão rsrsrsrs<br>
esse eh o log do oh323, se alguem já passou por essa trágica
esperiencia, e resolveu, por favor me diga como............. Obrigado...<br>
<pre wrap=""> 0:00.438         asterisk-oh323        H323        Created endpoint.
0:00.455         H323 Cleaner        H323        Started cleaner thread
0:00.468         asterisk-oh323        H323        Started listener Listener[ip$]
0:00.468         asterisk-oh323        H323        Added capability: G.729{hw} <1>
0:00.469         asterisk-oh323        H323        Added capability: UserInput/hookflash <2>
0:00.469         asterisk-oh323        H323        Added capability: UserInput/basicString <3>
0:00.469         asterisk-oh323        H323        Added capability: UserInput/dtmf <4>
0:00.469         asterisk-oh323        H323        Added capability: UserInput/RFC2833 <5>
0:00.469         H323 Listener:9fc3440        H323        Awaiting TCP connections on port 1720
0:00.469         H323 Listener:9fc3440        TCP        Waiting on socket accept on ip$
0:00.469         GKRegThread:09e6d040        H323UDP        Binding to interface:
0:00.470         GkMonitor:9c7ea58        RAS        Background thread started
0:00.477         GKRegThread:09e6d040        RAS        Authenticator H235AnnexD_Procedure1<no-pwd> not active during SetCapability negotiation
0:00.477         GKRegThread:09e6d040        RAS        Authenticator CAT<no-pwd> not active during SetCapability negotiation
0:00.477         GKRegThread:09e6d040        RAS        Authenticator H235AnnexD_Procedure1<no-pwd> not active during SetCapability negotiation
0:00.477         GKRegThread:09e6d040        RAS        Authenticator CAT<no-pwd> not active during SetCapability negotiation
0:00.477         GKRegThread:09e6d040        RAS        Authenticator MD5<no-pwd> not active during SetCapability negotiation
0:00.477         GKRegThread:09e6d040        H225        Started gatekeeper discovery of "ip$"
0:00.477         GKRegThread:09e6d040        RAS        Gatekeeper discovery on pre-bound interface:
0:00.478         GKRegThread:09e6d040        RAS        Gatekeeper discovery on interface:
0:00.478         GKRegThread:09e6d040        Trans        Sending PDU [ip$$*] :
gatekeeperRequest {
requestSeqNum = 44163
protocolIdentifier =
rasAddress = ipAddress {
ip = 4 octets {
c8 b8 4d 87 ..M.
port = 1719
endpointType = {
vendor = {
vendor = {
t35CountryCode = 9
t35Extension = 0
manufacturerCode = 61
productId = 61 octets {
69 6e 41 63 63 65 73 73 20 4e 65 74 77 6f 72 6b inAccess Network
73 20 28 77 77 77 2e 69 6e 61 63 63 65 73 73 6e s (<a
class="moz-txt-link-abbreviated" href="http://www.inaccessn">www.inaccessn</a>
65 74 77 6f 72 6b 73 2e 63 6f 6d 29 20 61 73 74 etworks.com) ast
65 72 69 73 6b 2d 6f 68 33 32 33 00 00 erisk-oh323..
versionId = 26 octets {
30 2e 37 2e 33 20 28 4f 70 65 6e 48 33 32 33 20 0.7.3 (OpenH323
76 31 2e 31 39 2e 30 29 00 00 v1.19.0)..
gateway = {
protocol = 1 entries {
[0]=voice {
supportedPrefixes = 0 entries {
mc = FALSE
undefinedNode = FALSE
endpointAlias = 2 entries {
[0]=h323_ID 15 characters {
006d 006a 0063 0074 0065 006c 0065 0063 mjctelec
006f 006d 002e 0068 0033 0032 0033 om.h323
[1]=dialedDigits "11119042"
supportsAltGK = <<null>>
0:00.516         GKRegThread:09e6d040        H225RAS        Receiving PDU [ip$$] :
gatekeeperConfirm {
requestSeqNum = 44163
protocolIdentifier =
rasAddress = ipAddress {
ip = 4 octets {
c8 e7 ef 84 ....
port = 1719
0:00.517         GKRegThread:09e6d040        RAS        Gatekeeper discovery found ip$
0:00.517         GKRegThread:09e6d040        RAS        Gatekeeper discovered at: (if=
0:00.518         Transactor:9e2c850        Trans        Starting listener thread on Transport[remote=ip$ if=ip$]
0:00.518         Transactor:9e2c850        Trans        Reading PDU
0:00.518         GKRegThread:09e6d040        TCP        Appending H.225 transport ip$ using associated transport Transport[remote=ip$ if=ip$]
0:00.518         GKRegThread:09e6d040        Trans        Making request: registrationRequest
0:00.518         GKRegThread:09e6d040        H460        FeatureSet for Reg Request PDU
replacementFeatureSet = FALSE
0:00.518         GKRegThread:09e6d040        Trans        Sending PDU [ip$$] :
registrationRequest {
requestSeqNum = 44164
protocolIdentifier =
discoveryComplete = TRUE
callSignalAddress = 1 entries {
[0]=ipAddress {
ip = 4 octets {
c8 b8 4d 87 ..M.
port = 1720
rasAddress = 1 entries {
[0]=ipAddress {
ip = 4 octets {
c8 b8 4d 87 ..M.
port = 1719
terminalType = {
vendor = {
vendor = {
t35CountryCode = 9
t35Extension = 0
manufacturerCode = 61
productId = 61 octets {
69 6e 41 63 63 65 73 73 20 4e 65 74 77 6f 72 6b inAccess Network
73 20 28 77 77 77 2e 69 6e 61 63 63 65 73 73 6e s (<a
class="moz-txt-link-abbreviated" href="http://www.inaccessn">www.inaccessn</a>
65 74 77 6f 72 6b 73 2e 63 6f 6d 29 20 61 73 74 etworks.com) ast
65 72 69 73 6b 2d 6f 68 33 32 33 00 00 erisk-oh323..
versionId = 26 octets {
30 2e 37 2e 33 20 28 4f 70 65 6e 48 33 32 33 20 0.7.3 (OpenH323
76 31 2e 31 39 2e 30 29 00 00 v1.19.0)..
gateway = {
protocol = 1 entries {
[0]=voice {
supportedPrefixes = 0 entries {
mc = FALSE
undefinedNode = FALSE
terminalAlias = 2 entries {
[0]=h323_ID 15 characters {
006d 006a 0063 0074 0065 006c 0065 0063 mjctelec
006f 006d 002e 0068 0033 0032 0033 om.h323
[1]=dialedDigits "11119042"
endpointVendor = {
vendor = {
t35CountryCode = 9
t35Extension = 0
manufacturerCode = 61
productId = 61 octets {
69 6e 41 63 63 65 73 73 20 4e 65 74 77 6f 72 6b inAccess Network
73 20 28 77 77 77 2e 69 6e 61 63 63 65 73 73 6e s (<a
class="moz-txt-link-abbreviated" href="http://www.inaccessn">www.inaccessn</a>
65 74 77 6f 72 6b 73 2e 63 6f 6d 29 20 61 73 74 etworks.com) ast
65 72 69 73 6b 2d 6f 68 33 32 33 00 00 erisk-oh323..
versionId = 26 octets {
30 2e 37 2e 33 20 28 4f 70 65 6e 48 33 32 33 20 0.7.3 (OpenH323
76 31 2e 31 39 2e 30 29 00 00 v1.19.0)..
timeToLive = 600
keepAlive = FALSE
willSupplyUUIEs = TRUE
maintainConnection = FALSE
supportsAltGK = <<null>>
usageReportingCapability = {
nonStandardUsageTypes = 0 entries {
startTime = <<null>>
endTime = <<null>>
terminationCause = <<null>>
callCreditCapability = {
canEnforceDurationLimit = TRUE
0:00.519         GKRegThread:09e6d040        Trans        Waiting on response to seqnum=44164 for 3.0 seconds
0:00.587         Transactor:9e2c850        H225RAS        Receiving PDU [ip$$] :
registrationConfirm {
requestSeqNum = 44164
protocolIdentifier =
callSignalAddress = 1 entries {
[0]=ipAddress {
ip = 4 octets {
c8 b8 4d 87 ..M.
port = 1720
endpointIdentifier = 20 characters {
0063 0038 0065 0037 0065 0066 0038 0034 c8e7ef84
0034 0035 0037 0037 0062 0066 0033 0065 4577bf3e
0064 0036 0066 0063 d6fc
timeToLive = 720
willRespondToIRR = FALSE
maintainConnection = FALSE
0:00.587         Transactor:9e2c850        Trans        Using credentials from request: H235AnnexD_Procedure1<no-pwd>,CAT<no-pwd>,H235AnnexD_Procedure1<no-pwd>,CAT<no-pwd>,MD5<no-pwd>
0:00.587         Transactor:9e2c850        RAS        Registered c8e7ef844577bf3ed6fc with
0:00.588         Transactor:9e2c850        Trans        Reading PDU
1:02.080        ThreadID=0x07ba1bb0        H323        Making call to: <a
1:02.170        ThreadID=0x07ba1bb0        H323        Added capability: G.729{hw} <1>
1:02.170        ThreadID=0x07ba1bb0        H323        Added capability: UserInput/hookflash <2>
1:02.170        ThreadID=0x07ba1bb0        H323        Added capability: UserInput/basicString <3>
1:02.170        ThreadID=0x07ba1bb0        H323        Added capability: UserInput/dtmf <4>
1:02.170        ThreadID=0x07ba1bb0        H323        Added capability: UserInput/RFC2833 <5>
1:02.170        ThreadID=0x07ba1bb0        H323        FindCapability: 1
1:02.170        ThreadID=0x07ba1bb0        H323        Found capability: G.729{hw} <1>
1:02.170        ThreadID=0x07ba1bb0        H323        FindCapability: 2
1:02.170        ThreadID=0x07ba1bb0        H323        Found capability: UserInput/hookflash <2>
1:02.170        ThreadID=0x07ba1bb0        H323        FindCapability: 3
1:02.170        ThreadID=0x07ba1bb0        H323        Found capability: UserInput/basicString <3>
1:02.170        ThreadID=0x07ba1bb0        H323        FindCapability: 4
1:02.170        ThreadID=0x07ba1bb0        H323        Found capability: UserInput/dtmf <4>
1:02.170        ThreadID=0x07ba1bb0        H323        FindCapability: 5
1:02.170        ThreadID=0x07ba1bb0        H323        Found capability: UserInput/RFC2833 <5>
1:02.191        ThreadID=0x07ba1bb0        RFC2833        Handler created
1:02.191        ThreadID=0x07ba1bb0        H323        Created new connection: ip$localhost/11867
1:02.191         H225 Caller:9b9c550        H225        Started call thread
1:02.492         H225 Caller:9b9c550        H323        Could not find host : "mjctelecom.h323"
1:02.494         H225 Caller:9b9c550        H323        Could not find host : "mjctelecom.h323"
1:02.494         H225 Caller:9b9c550        Trans        Making request: admissionRequest
1:02.494         H225 Caller:9b9c550        H460        FeatureSet for Adm Reqest PDU
replacementFeatureSet = FALSE
1:02.494         H225 Caller:9b9c550        Trans        Sending PDU [ip$$] :
admissionRequest {
requestSeqNum = 44165
callType = pointToPoint <<null>>
endpointIdentifier = 20 characters {
0063 0038 0065 0037 0065 0066 0038 0034 c8e7ef84
0034 0035 0037 0037 0062 0066 0033 0065 4577bf3e
0064 0036 0066 0063 d6fc
destinationInfo = 1 entries {
[0]=dialedDigits "0214133621907"
destCallSignalAddress = ipAddress {
ip = 4 octets {
00 00 00 00 ....
port = 0
srcInfo = 2 entries {
[0]=h323_ID 11 characters {
0064 006f 0075 0067 006c 0061 0073 006e douglasn
006f 0074 0065 ote
[1]=dialedDigits "1193243836"
bandWidth = 100000
callReferenceValue = 11867
conferenceID = 16 octets {
b8 ec f0 c8 4e 84 db 11 9a 12 00 16 76 86 d5 2c ....N.......v..,
activeMC = FALSE
answerCall = FALSE
canMapAlias = TRUE
callIdentifier = {
guid = 16 octets {
a8 1c ef c8 4e 84 db 11 9a 12 00 16 76 86 d5 2c ....N.......v..,
willSupplyUUIEs = TRUE
canMapSrcAlias = FALSE
1:02.494         H225 Caller:9b9c550        Trans        Waiting on response to seqnum=44165 for 3.0 seconds
1:02.553         Transactor:9e2c850        H225RAS        Receiving PDU [ip$$] :
admissionConfirm {
requestSeqNum = 44165
bandWidth = 100000
callModel = direct <<null>>
destCallSignalAddress = ipAddress {
ip = 4 octets {
c8 e7 ef 83 ....
port = 1720
nonStandardData = {
nonStandardIdentifier = h221NonStandard {
t35CountryCode = 181
t35Extension = 0
manufacturerCode = 1831
data = 9 octets {
00 01 00 01 01 01 02 01 01 .........
alternateEndpoints = 1 entries {
callSignalAddress = 1 entries {
[0]=ipAddress {
ip = 4 octets {
c9 49 7d 84 .I}.
port = 1720
willRespondToIRR = FALSE
uuiesRequested = {
setup = FALSE
callProceeding = FALSE
connect = FALSE
alerting = FALSE
information = FALSE
releaseComplete = FALSE
facility = FALSE
progress = FALSE
empty = TRUE
status = FALSE
statusInquiry = FALSE
setupAcknowledge = FALSE
notify = FALSE
1:02.553         Transactor:9e2c850        Trans        Using credentials from request: H235AnnexD_Procedure1<no-pwd>,CAT<no-pwd>,H235AnnexD_Procedure1<no-pwd>,CAT<no-pwd>,MD5<no-pwd>
1:02.553         H225 Caller:9b9c550        H323        Bandwidth used: 0
1:02.554         Transactor:9e2c850        Trans        Reading PDU
1:02.554         H225 Caller:9b9c550        H323TCP        Connecting to (local port=10000)
1:02.572         H225 Caller:9b9c550        H323TCP        Started connection: host=, if=, handle=170
1:02.572         H225 Caller:9b9c550        H225        Sending Setup PDU
1:02.572         H225 Caller:9b9c550        H225        Check for Fast start by local endpoint
1:02.572         H225 Caller:9b9c550        H245        Default OnSelectLogicalChannels, FastStartDisabled
1:02.600         H225 Caller:9b9c550        H323        FindCapability: G.729{hw} <1>
1:02.661         H225 Caller:9b9c550        PWLib        Assertion fail: Null pointer reference, file h225_1.cxx, line 431, Error=115`
1:02.720         H225 Caller:9b9c550        PWLib        Assertion fail: Invalid cast to non-descendant class, file h225_1.cxx, line 431, Error=25</pre>
<div class="moz-signature">-- <br>
<td> <a href="http://www.inforsolutions.com.br"><img
src="cid:part1.01050107.00000305@inforsolutions.com.br" margin="7"
align="left" border="0"></a></td>
<td><font face="tahoma, arial" size="1"> <b>Osvaldo A. Prado Jr</b><br>
Analista TI<br>
<a href="http://www.inforsolutions.com.br"><b>Infor<i>SOL</i>utions
Consultoria e Tecnologia</b></a><br>
Fone: 0xx41 3362-1907 (NOVO NÚMERO)<br>
Celular:0xx41 9634 4784<br>
e-mail:<b> <a href="mailto:osvaldo@inforsolutions.com.br">osvaldo@inforsolutions.com.br</a><br>
</b>e-mail:<b> <a href="mailto:comercial@inforsolutions.com.br">comercial@inforsolutions.com.br</a></b><br>
ICQ : <b>9712296</b> <br>
MSN : <b><a class="moz-txt-link-abbreviated"
href="mailto:jraprado@hotmail.com">jraprado@hotmail.com</a></b> <br>
skype : <b>jraprado</b> <br>
<a href="www.falesol.com.br">Fale<b>SOL : 4196344784</b></a> </font></td>