Prezados membros da lista,<br><br>Depois de ter configuardo uma TE420 com 3E1s, consigo receber ligações normalmente sem dificuldades. Como vocês podem observar no log abaixo<br><br><div dir="ltr"><br> -- Executing [5908@from-pstn
:1] NoOp("UniCall/14-1", "Catch-All DID
Match - Found 5908 - You probably want a DID for this.") in new stack<br>
-- Executing [5908@from-pstn:2] Goto("UniCall/14-1", "ext-did|s|1") in new stack<br>
-- Goto (ext-did,s,1)<br>
-- Executing [s@ext-did:1] Set("UniCall/14-1", "__FROM_DID=s") in new stack<br>
-- Executing [s@ext-did:2] GotoIf("UniCall/14-1", "0 ?cidok") in new stack<br>
-- Executing [s@ext-did:3] Set("UniCall/14-1", "CALLERID(name)=4133600000") in new stack<br>
-- Executing [s@ext-did:4] NoOp("UniCall/14-1", "CallerID is "4133600000" <4133602900>") in new stack<br>
-- Executing [s@ext-did:5] Goto("UniCall/14-1", "ivr-3|s|1") in new stack<br>
-- Goto (ivr-3,s,1)<br>
-- Executing [s@ivr-3:10] BackGround("UniCall/14-1", "custom/celia") in new stack<br>
-- <UniCall/14-1> Playing 'custom/celia' (language 'br')<br>
-- Executing [h@ivr-3:1] Hangup("UniCall/14-1", "") in new stack<br>
-- Hungup 'UniCall/14-1'<br>
-- Unicall/14 released<br>
<br><br>Mas agora estou com problemas para realizar as ligações utilizando a libunicall. O problema fica muito claro nesta linha do log:<br><br> </div>[Dec 13 10:03:54] ERROR[12935] chan_unicall.c: Unicall/1 protocol error. Cause 32776
<br><br>Pesquisando na internet descobri que trata-se de "Seize ack timed
out", já tentei de várias formas contornar esta situação. As versões de software que estou utilizando são (<a href="" target="_blank" onclick="return top.js.OpenExtLink(window,event,this)"></a>). <br><br>asterisk-1.4.9<br>
spandsp-0.0.4 <br>
unicall-0.0.5pre1 <br>
<br>Minhas alterativas para corrigir o problema já foram:<br><br>Adicionar a linha:<br>protocolvariant=br,20,4,x,max-seize-wait-ack=3000<br><div style="direction: ltr;"><br>Confome orientações do Moises Silva:<br><br>This deserves a little bit of more explanation.
<br><br>br = Brazil<br>20 = ANI digits<br>4 = DNIS digits<br>x = this is just a hack to be able to work with defaults and specify<br>the next value. protocolvariant expect here a mask of values ( an<br>integer ), passing NOT an integer but a character x will cause the
<br>defaults to remain.<br>max-seize-wait-ack = Number of milliseconds to wait for the ACK.</div><br>Incrementei o valor do wait até 50000 (50 segundos) Realmente faz efeito, o valor passado é respeitado, mas após esgotar-se o tempo o mesmo erro
<br>é reportado.<br><br>Alterei no código fonte (mfcr2.c) os defines:<br><br>#define DEFAULT_T1 15000 para 25000<br>#define DEFAULT_MAX_SEIZE_ACK_WAIT 2000 para 6000<br><br>
<br>De fato alterar o define MAX_SEIZE_ACK_WAIT tem o mesmo efeito que passar o argumento max-seize-wait-ack=XXXX na linha da variável protocolvariant.<br><br>Estou usando o FreePBX com um Custon Trunk (Custon String Dial: UniCall/g1), meu extensions_aditional tem as entradas "OUT_3 = AMP:UniCall/g1" e "OUTMAXCHANS_3 = 10".
<br><br>Alguem Já passou por um problema como esse ? Eu ficaria grato seu alguem me indicasse alternativas para resolve-lo.<br><br><br>Configurações - Brasil Telecom:<br><br><span style="font-weight: bold;">zaptel.conf</span>
<br><br># MFC/R2 does not normally use CRC4<br>loadzone = br<br>defaultzone = br<br><br>span=1,1,0,cas,hdb3<br>span=2,2,0,cas,hdb3<br>span=3,3,0,cas,hdb3<br>span=4,4,0,cas,hdb3<br>#<br>cas=1-15:1101<br>cas=17-31:1101
<br><br>#<br>cas=32-46:1101<br>cas=48-62:1101<br>#<br>cas=63-77:1101<br>cas=79-93:1101<br>#<br><br>unused=94-124<br><br><br><span style="font-weight: bold;">unicall.conf</span><br><br>[channels]<br>language=br<br>context=from-pstn
<br>channel=>63-77<br>channel=>79-93<br>protocolclass=mfcr2<br><br><br><br>Log Full:<br><br>[Dec 11 10:03:51] VERBOSE[12935] logger.c: -- Executing [s@macro-dialout-trunk
:32] Dial("SIP/2290-09b18a68", "UniCall/g1|300|") in new stack<br>[Dec 11 10:03:51] DEBUG[12935] chan_unicall.c: unicall_call called - 'g1' <br>[Dec 11 10:03:51] DEBUG[12935] chan_unicall.c: unicall_call caller id - '2290'
<br>[Dec 11 10:03:51] VERBOSE[12935] logger.c: -- Called g1<br>[Dec 11 10:03:51] NOTICE[12935] chan_unicall.c: Unicall/1 event Dialing<br>[Dec 11 10:03:54] NOTICE[12935] chan_unicall.c: Unicall/1 event Protocol failure
<br>[Dec 11 10:03:54] ERROR[12935] chan_unicall.c: Unicall/1 protocol error. Cause 32776<br>[Dec 11 10:03:54] DEBUG[12935] chan_unicall.c: disabled echo cancellation on channel 1<br>[Dec 11 10:03:54] WARNING[12935] app_dial.c: Unable to forward voice or dtmf
<br>[Dec 11 10:03:54] DEBUG[12935] chan_unicall.c: Hangup: channel: 1 index = 0, normal = 10, callwait = -1, thirdcall = -1<br>[Dec 11 10:03:54] DEBUG[12935] chan_unicall.c: Updated conferencing on 1, with 0 conference users
<br>[Dec 11 10:03:54] VERBOSE[12935] logger.c: -- Hungup 'UniCall/1-1'<br>[Dec 11 10:03:54] VERBOSE[12935] logger.c: == Everyone is busy/congested at this time (1:0/0/1)<br><span><br clear="all">
<br>whitout max-seize-wait-ack<br><br>[Dec 13 08:32:09] VERBOSE[3798] logger.c: -- Called g1<br>[Dec 13 08:32:09] NOTICE[3798] chan_unicall.c: Unicall/1 event Dialing<br>[Dec 13 08:32:11] NOTICE[3798] chan_unicall.c: Unicall/1 event Protocol failure
<br>[Dec 13 08:32:11] ERROR[3798] chan_unicall.c: Unicall/1 protocol error. Cause 32776<br><br>max-seize-wait-ack = 5000<br><br>[Dec 13 08:43:54] DEBUG[4845] chan_unicall.c: unicall_call called - 'g1'<br>[Dec 13 08:43:54] NOTICE[4845] chan_unicall.c: Unicall/1 event Dialing
<br>[Dec 13 08:43:59] NOTICE[4845] chan_unicall.c: Unicall/1 event Protocolfailure<br>[Dec 13 08:43:59] ERROR[4845] chan_unicall.c: Unicall/1 protocol error. Cause 32776<br><br>max-seize-wait-ack = 10000<br><br>[Dec 13 08:39:41] VERBOSE[4494]
logger.c: -- Called g1<br>[Dec 13 08:39:41] NOTICE[4494] chan_unicall.c: Unicall/1 event Dialing<br>[Dec 13 08:39:51] NOTICE[4494] chan_unicall.c: Unicall/1 event Protocol failure<br>[Dec 13 08:39:51] ERROR[4494] chan_unicall.c: Unicall/1 protocol error. Cause 32776
<br><br>max-seize-wait-ack = 20000<br><br>[Dec 13 08:36:18] VERBOSE[4145] logger.c: -- Called g1<br>[Dec 13 08:36:18] NOTICE[4145] chan_unicall.c: Unicall/1 event Dialing<br>[Dec 13 08:36:38] NOTICE[4145] chan_unicall.c: Unicall/1 event Protocol failure
<br>[Dec 13 08:36:38] ERROR[4145] chan_unicall.c: Unicall/1 protocol error. Cause 32776<br><br><br><br></span><br>-- <br>Atenciosamente,<br><br>Roger C. Beraldi Martins
<br>Fone: 41-8828-7068