Também tivemos este problema do fop piscando. O motivo foram as atualizações recentes do flashplayer realizadas pela Adobe
que restringiram as conexões via socket. Dessa forma é necessário fazer
atualização do servidor do FOP para que funcione com esta nova versão
do flashplayer.<br><br>Abaixo transcrevo o texto escrito pelo Nicolas, desenvolvedor do FOP<br><br><div style="margin-left: 40px;"><i>Dear all,</i><br><br><i>
I have released version 0.28 a few days ago.. just forgot to announce it. Please check the web site for details.</i><br><br><i>
Anyways I think I will have to make a newer release because of some
policy enforcement made by adobe flash player in its latest release.</i><br><br><i>
The latest flash player enforces policy files to allow connections, and
now there is a "step 2" in flash players that are more strict and
disallow socket connections despite html served policy files. That
means that you won' t be able to connect to FOP even with a
crossdomain.xml file in your web server.</i><br><br><i>
So, I modify op_server.pl to serve a policy file by itself to authorize
flash clients to connect to it. You no longer need to place a
crossdomain.xml file in your web root and you do not need to run a
policy server listening on port 843 either as Adobe suggest. It seems
to work for me, but I would like to confirm with other users if the
solution is good enough. When I am satisfied I will release 0.29 just
for this very important change.</i><br><br><i>
If you have a FOP working implementation and update the flash player
and are no longer able to connect to it (the buttons flash every 10
seconds).. please download the latest snapshot release or the svn
version and try again (the only file you need to change is
op_server.pl, the client does not have any changes)..</i><br><br><i>
Nicolas<br><br></i></div>É necessário utilizar a versão do svn e não a versão do site 0.28.<br><br>[]s<br>Gustavo<br>