[general] context=naoAutenticadas ; Default context for incoming calls. Defaults to 'default' allowguest=no udpbindaddr= ; IP address to bind UDP listen socket to ( binds to all) tcpenable=no ; Enable server for incoming TCP connections (default is no) transport=udp ; Set the default transports. The order determines the primary default transport. [mp114] context=pstn type=peer host= secret= insecure=invite [polycom](!) type=friend ; Friends place calls and receive calls context=aparelhosLocais ; Context for incoming calls from this user host=dynamic ; This peer register with us dtmfmode=rfc2833 ; Choices are inband, rfc2833, or info disallow=all allow=ulaw ; dtmfmode=inband only works with ulaw or alaw! progressinband=no ; Polycom phones don't work properly with "never"