[Asteriskbrasil-biz] great article

suporte suporte at to-ligado.com
Sun May 7 09:30:07 BRT 2017


I've read  a nice and informative  article about some stuff you may really like, you  can find  more info here http://qj.7thecrescent.com

My best to you, suporte

From: asteriskbrasil-biz [mailto:asteriskbrasil-biz at listas.asteriskbrasil.org]
Sent: Sunday, May 07, 2017 8:30 AM
To: suporte at to-ligado.com
Subject: On the waterfront

When you enabled  the device in the  reaper settings, did you enable control usage?

Also, you  could try  using the ReaControlMidi plugin to see if the commands are making it through.

In the reaper  manual some of  the example pictures for  setting up midi devices actually have the  BCR2000, so somebody  knows how to set it up.

Edit: also lots of results when googling for  "Reaper BCR2000"

Sent from Mail for Windows 10
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