[AsteriskBrasil] monitorar ligação, tempo real
Bernardo Vieira
bernardo.vieira em terra.com.br
Quinta Agosto 24 18:12:13 BRT 2006
Hash: SHA1
*CLI> show application zapbarge
-= Info about application 'ZapBarge' =-
Barge in (monitor) Zap channel
ZapBarge([channel]): Barges in on a specified zap
channel or prompts if one is not specified. Returns
- -1 when caller user hangs up and is independent of the
state of the channel being monitored.
*CLI> show application chanspy
-= Info about application 'ChanSpy' =-
Listen to the audio of an active channel
ChanSpy([chanprefix][|options]): This application is used to listen to the
audio from an active Asterisk channel. This includes the audio coming in and
out of the channel being spied on. If the 'chanprefix' parameter is
only channels beginning with this string will be spied upon.
While Spying, the following actions may be performed:
- Dialing # cycles the volume level.
- Dialing * will stop spying and look for another channel to spy on.
- Dialing a series of digits followed by # builds a channel name to
to 'chanprefix'. For example, executing ChanSpy(Agent) and then
the digits '1234#' while spying will begin spying on the channel,
b - Only spy on channels involved in a bridged call.
g(grp) - Match only channels where their ${SPYGROUP} variable is set to
q - Don't play a beep when beginning to spy on a channel.
r[(basename)] - Record the session to the monitor spool directory. An
optional base for the filename may be specified. The
default is 'chanspy'.
v([value]) - Adjust the initial volume in the range from -4 to 4. A
negative value refers to a quieter setting.
Ralph Liebessohn wrote:
> Boa tarde,
> tenho a necessidade de monitorar ligações que estão acontecendo e não
> achei algo que faça isso no asterisk.
> Seria algo como ramal 123 ligando para 1234-5678 e durante a conversa eu
> resolva escutar a mesma ai discaria qualquer coisa mais o ramal que
> quero ouvir. Há alguma coisa assim no asterisk? O que seria?
> Estou tentando fugir um pouco da gravação das conversas. Tentei googlar,
> mas não achei a chave certa de busca, achei muitas coisas interessantes,
> mas não o que quero.
> --
> Ralph Liebessohn
> ICQ: 74835911
> Skype: liebessohn
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
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- --
"What most profoundly divides two men is a different sense and degree of
cleanliness. What help is all honesty and mutual utility, what help is
all the good will for each other: in the end the fact remains-they can't
stand each other?s smell!"
- - Nietzsche
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