=?ISO-8859-1?Q?Re:_[AsteriskBrasil]_monitorar_liga=E7=E3o, _tempo_real?=

Ralph Liebessohn ralphliebessohn em gmail.com
Sexta Agosto 25 15:15:09 BRT 2006

On 8/24/06, Bernardo Vieira <bernardo.vieira em terra.com.br> wrote:
> Hash: SHA1
> *CLI> show application zapbarge
> *CLI>
>   -= Info about application 'ZapBarge' =-
> [Synopsis]
> Barge in (monitor) Zap channel
> [Description]
>   ZapBarge([channel]): Barges in on a specified zap
> channel or prompts if one is not specified.  Returns
> - -1 when caller user hangs up and is independent of the
> state of the channel being monitored.
> *CLI>
> *CLI> show application chanspy
> *CLI>
>   -= Info about application 'ChanSpy' =-
> [Synopsis]
> Listen to the audio of an active channel
> [Description]
>   ChanSpy([chanprefix][|options]): This application is used to listen to
> the
> audio from an active Asterisk channel. This includes the audio coming in
> and
> out of the channel being spied on. If the 'chanprefix' parameter is
> specified,
> only channels beginning with this string will be spied upon.
>   While Spying, the following actions may be performed:
>     - Dialing # cycles the volume level.
>     - Dialing * will stop spying and look for another channel to spy on.
>     - Dialing a series of digits followed by # builds a channel name to
> append
>       to 'chanprefix'. For example, executing ChanSpy(Agent) and then
> dialing
>       the digits '1234#' while spying will begin spying on the channel,
>       'Agent/1234'.
>   Options:
>     b - Only spy on channels involved in a bridged call.
>     g(grp) - Match only channels where their ${SPYGROUP} variable is set
> to
>              'grp'.
>     q - Don't play a beep when beginning to spy on a channel.
>     r[(basename)] - Record the session to the monitor spool directory. An
>                     optional base for the filename may be specified. The
>                     default is 'chanspy'.
>     v([value]) - Adjust the initial volume in the range from -4 to 4. A
>                  negative value refers to a quieter setting.
> *CLI>
> Ralph Liebessohn wrote:
> > Boa tarde,
> >
> > tenho a necessidade de monitorar ligações que estão acontecendo e não
> > achei algo que faça isso no asterisk.
> > Seria algo como ramal 123 ligando para 1234-5678 e durante a conversa eu
> > resolva escutar a mesma ai discaria qualquer coisa mais o ramal que
> > quero ouvir. Há alguma coisa assim no asterisk? O que seria?
> > Estou tentando fugir um pouco da gravação das conversas. Tentei googlar,
> > mas não achei a chave certa de busca, achei muitas coisas interessantes,
> > mas não o que quero.
> >
> >
> > --
> > Ralph Liebessohn
> > ICQ: 74835911
> > Skype: liebessohn

Muitíssimo obrigado.
Não cheguei a procurar por espionagem!
O ChanSpy é realmente o que preciso.

Ralph Liebessohn
ICQ: 74835911
Skype: liebessohn
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