[AsteriskBrasil] Broadvoice, alguem ja usou?

Welkson Renny de Medeiros welkson em focusautomacao.com.br
Quarta Novembro 8 14:43:25 BRST 2006

Olá Edson,

Realmente esses detalhes aí do contrato eu desconhecia... complicado...
estou usando a uns 3 meses a caráter de teste... mês passado gastei uns 800 
e não foi cobrado nada adicional... mas já que o risco existe, vou 

Alguém da lista conhece algum outro provedor que funcione como o Broadvoice?
(unlimited calls).

Sobre a qualidade do broadvoice tenho pouco a reclamar... a qualidade da voz
é boa... talvez não seja melhor por problemas no meu QoS e o "Velox", que 
limitar conexões SIP... não sei :/

Abraço a todos.

Welkson Renny de Medeiros
Focus Automação Comercial
Desenvolvimento / Gerência de Redes
welkson em focusautomacao.com.br

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Edson Brandi" <ebrandi em fugspbr.org>
To: <asteriskbrasil em listas.asteriskbrasil.org>
Sent: Wednesday, November 08, 2006 6:29 AM
Subject: Re: [AsteriskBrasil] Broadvoice, alguem ja usou?

Não sei se escolheu este provedor pelos pacotes ilimitados, mas se essa foi
a razão, vc já leu o contrato ?
Os planos ilimitados deles parecem atraentes, mas com o que eles colocam no
contrato de possibilidade de cobranças retroativas pela maior taxa se eles
acharem que vc usou o serviço para fins não residencias (leia-se ter um
consumo alto) é de assustar qualquer um...

Se vc não leu as letras miudas do contrato eu estou copiando aqui a parte

1.3.1 Residential Use of Service
If you have subscribed to BroadVoice's Residential services, the Service is
provided to you as a single usage (user) residential plan, for your own
personal, residential, non-business and non-professional use. This means
that you agree not to use, and may not use, the Service for any commercial
activities, governmental activities, profit-making activities, and/or
non-profit activities, including but not limited to home office, business,
sales, tele-commuting, tele-marketing, auto-dialing, continuous or extensive
call forwarding, call relaying, fax broadcast, fax blasting and any other
activity that would be inconsistent with normal residential usage patterns.
This also means that you agree not to, and may not, sell, resell or transfer
the Service to any other person for any purpose, or make any charge for the
use of the Service, without the prior express written permission from
BroadVoice. You agree that if BroadVoice determines in its sole discretion
that you have used the Service, and/or anyone else has used the Service for
any activities and purposes prohibited by this section it may immediately
charge you BroadVoice's higher rates for its Business service for all
periods, including past periods, in which you use, or used, the Service for
such prohibited activities together with a US$100.00 administrative fee for
same, and that BroadVoice may immediately charge such amounts on your credit
card. BroadVoice reserves the right to immediately terminate and subject you
to the disconnect fee pursuant to Section 7.6 or modify the Service, if
BroadVoice determines, in its sole discretion, that Customer's Service is
being used for such prohibited activities or in any other manner prohibited
by this Agreement. In addition to and without prejudicing or waiving any
other remedies that it is entitled to, BroadVoice, after it has determined
in its sole discretion that you have violated this Section 1.3.1, may
retroactively charge you $.05 per minute for all US and Canadian calls made
since the activation of your account. Violations of this Section 1.3.1
regarding International calls will likewise be retroactively billed at the
then current published rates. You agree that any payment made to BroadVoice
pursuant to this section is made as liquidated damages and not as a penalty,
because it would be difficult if not impossible to ascertain damages. In the
event that BroadVoice has to take legal action to enforce the provisions of
this section, the prevailing party shall be entitled to its reasonable
expenses, including attorney's fees, regardless of whether in house or
outside counsel is employed. If in house counsel is employed, billing shall
be at the rate of $300.00 per hour and billed in six minute increments.

[]´s Edson

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Fabiano Carlos Heringer" <fabianoheringer em veloxmail.com.br>
To: <asteriskbrasil em listas.asteriskbrasil.org>
Sent: Tuesday, November 07, 2006 5:42 PM
Subject: [AsteriskBrasil] Broadvoice, alguem ja usou?

Ae galera, alguem ja usou a broadvoice aqui no brasil?

Alguem conseguiu receber ligacoes por ela? coloquei no meu softphone
consegui receber normal, mas quando coloco no asterisk nem vai...

Se alguem conseguiu e puder me passar a string do register,

outra coisa, a ligacao aqui ta demorando seculos para iniciar, por ai eh
normal mesmo?

Estação VoIP 2006
5 e 6 Dezembro
Curitiba PR

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Estação VoIP 2006
5 e 6 Dezembro
Curitiba PR

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