[AsteriskBrasil] voicecon 2007: mark spencer e os dinossauros

Caio Begotti caio em ueberalles.net
Quarta Setembro 5 23:02:34 BRT 2007


This VoiceCon Summit examines the assumptions underlying software- 
based architectures and Unified Communications, address the readiness  
of both buyers and sellers to adapt to this new regime and identify  
the obstacles facing enterprises as they try to mesh the new  
framework with their existing network design and procurement  
procedures, network operations and organizations.

Jonathan Christensen, Skype
Christopher Thompson, Cisco
Doug Tucker, Avaya
Paul McMillan, Siemens
Arup Acharya, IBM
Eric Swift, Microsoft
Mark Spencer, Digium

E aqui tá o link direto pra download:

Caio Begotti (caio1982)

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