[AsteriskBrasil] Asterisk e Openr2

Matheus Cucoloto matheuscucoloto em gmail.com
Segunda Março 16 16:37:56 BRT 2009

Pessoal, to conseguindo realizar ligação perfeitamente, mas receber
não, da as mensagens abaixo no console.

Ja abri um chamado na BRT e até bati o pé dizendo que o problema é no
equipamento deles, mas queria tirar uma duvida com vcs.

É isso mesmo, pode ser que este erro esteja associado ao aterramento da maquina?


[Mar 16 17:30:52] ERROR[2659]: chan_dahdi.c:1294 dahdi_r2_write_log:
Chan 1 - No more time slots, failed to schedule timer, this is bad!
[Mar 16 17:30:52] ERROR[2659]: chan_dahdi.c:1294 dahdi_r2_write_log:
Chan 1 - No more time slots, failed to schedule timer, this is bad!
[Mar 16 17:30:52] ERROR[2659]: chan_dahdi.c:1294 dahdi_r2_write_log:
Chan 1 - No more time slots, failed to schedule timer, this is bad!
[Mar 16 17:30:52] ERROR[2659]: chan_dahdi.c:1294 dahdi_r2_write_log:
Chan 1 - No more time slots, failed to schedule timer, this is bad!
[Mar 16 17:30:52] ERROR[2659]: chan_dahdi.c:1294 dahdi_r2_write_log:
Chan 1 - No more time slots, failed to schedule timer, this is bad!
[Mar 16 17:30:52] ERROR[2659]: chan_dahdi.c:1294 dahdi_r2_write_log:
Chan 1 - No more time slots, failed to schedule timer, this is bad!
[Mar 16 17:30:52] ERROR[2659]: chan_dahdi.c:1294 dahdi_r2_write_log:
Chan 1 - No more time slots, failed to schedule timer, this is bad!
[Mar 16 17:30:52] ERROR[2659]: chan_dahdi.c:1294 dahdi_r2_write_log:
Chan 1 - No more time slots, failed to schedule timer, this is bad!
[Mar 16 17:30:52] ERROR[2659]: chan_dahdi.c:1294 dahdi_r2_write_log:
Chan 1 - No more time slots, failed to schedule timer, this is bad!
[Mar 16 17:30:53] ERROR[2659]: chan_dahdi.c:1294 dahdi_r2_write_log:
Chan 1 - No more time slots, failed to schedule timer, this is bad!
[Mar 16 17:30:53] NOTICE[2659]: chan_dahdi.c:1090
dahdi_r2_on_call_offered: MFC/R2 call offered on chan 1. ANI =
4532227175, DNIS = 8888, Category = National Subscriber
[Mar 16 17:30:53] ERROR[2659]: chan_dahdi.c:1294 dahdi_r2_write_log:
Chan 1 - No more time slots, failed to schedule timer, this is bad!
[Mar 16 17:30:53] ERROR[2659]: chan_dahdi.c:1294 dahdi_r2_write_log:
Chan 1 - No more time slots, failed to schedule timer, this is bad!
[Mar 16 17:30:53] ERROR[2659]: chan_dahdi.c:1294 dahdi_r2_write_log:
Chan 1 - No more time slots, failed to schedule timer, this is bad!
sip1*CLI> qiut
No such command 'qiut' (type 'help qiut' for other possible

Matheus Cucoloto
System Admin.
Net Admin.

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