[AsteriskBrasil] Ajuda AudioCodes MP 114 FXO
Guilherme Groke
ggroke em gmail.com
Terça Julho 3 12:12:24 -03 2018
Bom dia Gonzalo,
segue o arquivo ini que utilizei aqui, bem como os arquivos de tons que
você deve utilizar para que o gateway consiga identificar os tons
Você deve carregar primeiro o arquivo CPT e depois utiliza a opção de ini
incremental para carregar o call_progress_tones.ini
Boa sorte aí.
Guilherme Groke
Em ter, 3 de jul de 2018 às 09:16, Gonzalo Torres <gonzaloctorres em gmail.com>
> Guilherme, obrigado pela resposta, anexei o meu ini no final deste email..
> Realmente a configuração deste equipamento é muito ruim de fazer e fiquei
> a ultima semana sem fazer mais nada, so trabalhando.
> Eu fiz as alterações do ini colocando o codigo do pais CountryCoefficients
> mas o dat ficou o mesmo, pois nao tenho e nao encontrei ele.
> A versão do firmware é a mais nova;Software Version: 6.60A.347.002
> se alguém tivesse um ini que pudesse me ajudar, ficaria bastante
> agradecido.
> Gonzalo Torres.
>> Date: Sun, 1 Jul 2018 20:07:36 -0300
>> From: Guilherme Groke <ggroke em gmail.com>
>> To: asteriskbrasil em listas.asteriskbrasil.org
>> Subject: Re: [AsteriskBrasil] Ajuda AudioCodes MP 114 FXO
>> Message-ID:
>> <CAG_F_=
>> LEwOaGFWSR+wxkHdbriSUia7a5ueG2+m4qZ-x4g9ah2A em mail.gmail.com>
>> Content-Type: text/plain; charset="utf-8"
>> >
>> >
>> > Pessoal, Bom dia, gostaria de poder contar com a ajuda de voces, tenho
>> um
>> > AudioCodes MP114 FXO e não consigo faze-lo funcionar direito. estou com
>> > tres problemas:
>> >
>> Rapaz, a interface de configuração desse gateway foi feita por algum
>> sádico! Ele é muito chato de configurar, e difícil de fazê-lo funcionar
>> direito.
>> > 1 - Nao consigo fazer ele reconhecer que na linha externa foi feito o
>> > hanup, ele deixa a linha ocupada.
>> >
>> Você enviou o arquivo de tons para ele (.dat se não me engano) e o ini
>> incremental depois? Sem esses arquivos ele não consegue detectar os tons
>> corretamente. Se sim, os tons que você usou são para a mesma versão de
>> firmware que está nele? Que firmware está usando?
>> >
>> > 2 - Vejo nos logs do aparelho que reconhece os codigos de dtmf mas ele
>> nao
>> > envia para o asterisk.
>> >
>> Não lembro de ter tido problema com isso.
>> > 3 - nao consegui ativar o bina, as ligações quando chegam no asterisk
>> > chegam com o numero do tronco.
>> >
>> >
>> Que padrão você está utilizando pra decodificar? Eu lembro que a única
>> coisa que acontecia, era dele perder os primeiros número do caller ID, mas
>> eles chegavam até o Asterisk sim.
>> Consigo receber e realizar ligações através dele, mas gostaria de poder
>> > utilizar melhor o aparelho.
>> >
>> > Tenho lido muito sobre ele e a configuração do MP114 ou MP118 são muito
>> > parecidas, qualquer ajuda sera bem vinda.
>> >
>> > Se alguém conseguir me ajudar serei muito grato, ou enviar o INI ja
>> > configurado caso alguém use este tipo de aparelho e aqui eu vejo o que
>> eu
>> > estou fazendo de errado.
>> >
>> Eu vou tentar localizar o INI dele nos próximos dias, você não quer mandar
>> o seu também? Pode mandar aqui na lista mesmo...
>> Mas vou falar, esse gateway é muito ruim de configurar do zero, lembro que
>> apanhei feito cachorro pra conseguir colocar pra funcionar.
>> Guilherme Groke
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>> URL: <
>> http://asteriskbrasil.org/pipermail/asteriskbrasil/attachments/20180701/5542071e/attachment-0001.html
>> >
>> ------------------------------
>> _______________________________________________
>> AsteriskBrasil mailing list
>> AsteriskBrasil em listas.asteriskbrasil.org
>> http://asteriskbrasil.org/mailman/listinfo/asteriskbrasil
> ;**************
> ;** Ini File **
> ;**************
> ;Board: MP-114 FXO
> ;Board Type: 56
> ;Serial Number:
> ;Slot Number: 1
> ;Software Version: 6.60A.347.002
> ;DSP Software Version: 204IM3=> 660.15
> ;Board IP Address:
> ;Board Subnet Mask:
> ;Board Default Gateway:
> ;Ram size: 32M Flash size: 8M
> ;Num of DSP Cores: 1 Num DSP Channels: 4
> ;Profile: NONE
> ;License Key limits aren't active full features capabilities are available
> !;
> ;----------------------------------------------
> [SYSTEM Params]
> DNSPriServerIP =
> DNSSecServerIP =
> ;NTPServerIP_abs is hidden but has non-default value
> NTPServerUTCOffset = 3600
> ;VpFileLastUpdateTime is hidden but has non-default value
> SSHServerEnable = 1
> NTPServerIP = ''
> [BSP Params]
> PCMLawSelect = 3
> RoutingTableHopsCountColumn = 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
> 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0
> [Analog Params]
> PolarityReversalType = 1
> MinFlashHookTime = 100
> CurrentDisconnectDuration = 800
> CountryCoefficients = 5
> [ControlProtocols Params]
> AdminStateLockControl = 0
> [MGCP Params]
> [MEGACO Params]
> EP_Num_0 = 0
> EP_Num_1 = 1
> EP_Num_2 = 1
> EP_Num_3 = 0
> EP_Num_4 = 0
> [Voice Engine Params]
> CallProgressTonesFilename = 'usa_tones_13.dat'
> FaxTransportMode = 0
> V22ModemTransportType = 0
> V23ModemTransportType = 0
> V32ModemTransportType = 0
> V34ModemTransportType = 0
> RFC2833TxPayloadType = 101
> [WEB Params]
> LogoWidth = '208'
> HTTPSCipherString = 'RC4:EXP'
> [SIP Params]
> CNONCE = 'asterisk'
> REGISTRARNAME = 'asterisk'
> MSLDAPPRIMARYKEY = 'telephoneNumber'
> [IPsec Params]
> [SNMP Params]
> [ DspTemplates ]
> ;
> ; *** TABLE DspTemplates ***
> ; This table contains hidden elements and will not be exposed.
> ; This table exists on board and will be saved during restarts.
> ;
> [ \DspTemplates ]
> [ PREFIX ]
> FORMAT PREFIX_Index = PREFIX_DestinationPrefix, PREFIX_DestAddress,
> PREFIX_SourcePrefix, PREFIX_ProfileId, PREFIX_MeteringCode,
> PREFIX_DestPort, PREFIX_SrcIPGroupID, PREFIX_DestHostPrefix,
> PREFIX_DestIPGroupID, PREFIX_SrcHostPrefix, PREFIX_TransportType,
> PREFIX_SrcTrunkGroupID, PREFIX_DestSRD, PREFIX_CostGroup,
> PREFIX_ForkingGroup, PREFIX_CallSetupRulesSetId;
> PREFIX 0 = "*", "", "*", 0, 255, 5060, -1, "", -1, "", 0, -1,
> -1, "", -1, -1;
> [ \PREFIX ]
> [ TrunkGroup ]
> FORMAT TrunkGroup_Index = TrunkGroup_TrunkGroupNum,
> TrunkGroup_FirstTrunkId, TrunkGroup_FirstBChannel, TrunkGroup_LastBChannel,
> TrunkGroup_FirstPhoneNumber, TrunkGroup_ProfileId, TrunkGroup_LastTrunkId,
> TrunkGroup_Module;
> TrunkGroup 0 = 1, 255, 1, 1, "101010", 0, 255, 255;
> TrunkGroup 1 = 1, 255, 2, 2, "101011", 0, 255, 255;
> TrunkGroup 2 = 1, 255, 3, 3, "101012", 0, 255, 255;
> TrunkGroup 3 = 1, 255, 4, 4, "101013", 0, 255, 255;
> [ \TrunkGroup ]
> [ PstnPrefix ]
> FORMAT PstnPrefix_Index = PstnPrefix_DestPrefix, PstnPrefix_TrunkGroupId,
> PstnPrefix_SourcePrefix, PstnPrefix_SourceAddress, PstnPrefix_ProfileId,
> PstnPrefix_SrcIPGroupID, PstnPrefix_DestHostPrefix,
> PstnPrefix_SrcHostPrefix, PstnPrefix_SrcSRDID, PstnPrefix_TrunkId,
> PstnPrefix_CallSetupRulesSetId;
> PstnPrefix 0 = "*", 1, "*", "", 0, -1, "", "", "", -1, -1;
> PstnPrefix 1 = "*", 2, "*", "", 0, -1, "", "", "", -1, -1;
> PstnPrefix 2 = "*", 3, "*", "", 0, -1, "", "", "", -1, -1;
> PstnPrefix 3 = "*", 4, "*", "", 0, -1, "", "", "", -1, -1;
> [ \PstnPrefix ]
> [ ProxyIp ]
> FORMAT ProxyIp_Index = ProxyIp_IpAddress, ProxyIp_TransportType,
> ProxyIp_ProxySetId;
> ProxyIp 0 = "", 0, 0;
> [ \ProxyIp ]
> [ TxDtmfOption ]
> FORMAT TxDtmfOption_Index = TxDtmfOption_Type;
> TxDtmfOption 0 = 4;
> [ \TxDtmfOption ]
> [ TrunkGroupSettings ]
> FORMAT TrunkGroupSettings_Index = TrunkGroupSettings_TrunkGroupId,
> TrunkGroupSettings_ChannelSelectMode, TrunkGroupSettings_RegistrationMode,
> TrunkGroupSettings_GatewayName, TrunkGroupSettings_ContactUser,
> TrunkGroupSettings_ServingIPGroup, TrunkGroupSettings_MWIInterrogationType,
> TrunkGroupSettings_TrunkGroupName;
> TrunkGroupSettings 0 = 1, 1, 0, "", "", -1, 255, "";
> TrunkGroupSettings 1 = 2, 1, 0, "", "", -1, 255, "";
> TrunkGroupSettings 2 = 3, 1, 0, "", "", -1, 255, "";
> TrunkGroupSettings 3 = 4, 1, 0, "", "", -1, 255, "";
> [ \TrunkGroupSettings ]
> [ TelProfile ]
> FORMAT TelProfile_Index = TelProfile_ProfileName,
> TelProfile_TelPreference, TelProfile_CodersGroupID, TelProfile_IsFaxUsed,
> TelProfile_JitterBufMinDelay, TelProfile_JitterBufOptFactor,
> TelProfile_IPDiffServ, TelProfile_SigIPDiffServ, TelProfile_DtmfVolume,
> TelProfile_InputGain, TelProfile_VoiceVolume,
> TelProfile_EnableReversePolarity, TelProfile_EnableCurrentDisconnect,
> TelProfile_EnableDigitDelivery, TelProfile_EnableEC, TelProfile_MWIAnalog,
> TelProfile_MWIDisplay, TelProfile_FlashHookPeriod,
> TelProfile_EnableEarlyMedia, TelProfile_ProgressIndicator2IP,
> TelProfile_TimeForReorderTone, TelProfile_EnableDIDWink,
> TelProfile_IsTwoStageDial, TelProfile_DisconnectOnBusyTone,
> TelProfile_EnableVoiceMailDelay, TelProfile_DialPlanIndex,
> TelProfile_Enable911PSAP, TelProfile_SwapTelToIpPhoneNumbers,
> TelProfile_EnableAGC, TelProfile_ECNlpMode, TelProfile_DigitalCutThrough,
> TelProfile_EnableFXODoubleAnswer, TelProfile_CallPriorityMode,
> TelProfile_FXORingTimeout, TelProfile_IP2TelCutThroughCallBehavior;
> TelProfile 1 = "Asterisk", 1, 0, 1, 10, 10, 46, 40, -11, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 1,
> 0, 0, 700, 1, -1, 255, 0, 0, 1, 1, -1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0;
> [ \TelProfile ]
> [ TargetOfChannel ]
> FORMAT TargetOfChannel_Index = TargetOfChannel_Destination,
> TargetOfChannel_Type, TargetOfChannel_HotLineToneDuration,
> TargetOfChannel_Port, TargetOfChannel_PortType;
> TargetOfChannel 0 = "101010", 1, -1, 1, "FXO";
> TargetOfChannel 1 = "101011", 1, -1, 2, "FXO";
> TargetOfChannel 2 = "101012", 1, -1, 3, "FXO";
> TargetOfChannel 3 = "101013", 1, -1, 4, "FXO";
> [ \TargetOfChannel ]
> [ Authentication ]
> FORMAT Authentication_Index = Authentication_UserId,
> Authentication_UserPassword, Authentication_Port, Authentication_PortType;
> Authentication 0 = "101010", "$1$opOTlZWXlw==", 1, "FXO";
> Authentication 1 = "101011", "$1$pZSWlpiYmw==", 2, "FXO";
> Authentication 2 = "101012", "$1$pJWVl5eZmw==", 3, "FXO";
> Authentication 3 = "101013", "$1$p5aYmJqanw==", 4, "FXO";
> [ \Authentication ]
> [ ProxySet ]
> FORMAT ProxySet_Index = ProxySet_EnableProxyKeepAlive,
> ProxySet_ProxyKeepAliveTime, ProxySet_ProxyLoadBalancingMethod,
> ProxySet_IsProxyHotSwap, ProxySet_SRD, ProxySet_ClassificationInput,
> ProxySet_ProxyRedundancyMode, ProxySet_KeepAliveFailureResp,
> ProxySet_HomingSuccessDetectionRetries;
> ProxySet 0 = 1, 60, 0, 0, 0, 0, -1, "", 1;
> [ \ProxySet ]
> [ CodersGroup0 ]
> FORMAT CodersGroup0_Index = CodersGroup0_Name, CodersGroup0_pTime,
> CodersGroup0_rate, CodersGroup0_PayloadType, CodersGroup0_Sce;
> CodersGroup0 0 = "g711Alaw64k", 20, 0, -1, 0;
> CodersGroup0 1 = "g711Ulaw64k", 20, 0, -1, 0;
> [ \CodersGroup0 ]
> [ RoutingRuleGroups ]
> FORMAT RoutingRuleGroups_Index = RoutingRuleGroups_LCREnable,
> RoutingRuleGroups_LCRAverageCallLength, RoutingRuleGroups_LCRDefaultCost;
> RoutingRuleGroups 0 = 0, 1, 1;
> [ \RoutingRuleGroups ]
> [ ResourcePriorityNetworkDomains ]
> FORMAT ResourcePriorityNetworkDomains_Index =
> ResourcePriorityNetworkDomains_Name,
> ResourcePriorityNetworkDomains_Ip2TelInterworking;
> ResourcePriorityNetworkDomains 1 = "dsn", 1;
> ResourcePriorityNetworkDomains 2 = "dod", 1;
> ResourcePriorityNetworkDomains 3 = "drsn", 1;
> ResourcePriorityNetworkDomains 5 = "uc", 1;
> ResourcePriorityNetworkDomains 7 = "cuc", 1;
> [ \ResourcePriorityNetworkDomains ]
> _______________________________________________
> KHOMP: completa linha de placas externas FXO, FXS, GSM e E1
> Media Gateways de 1 a 64 E1s para SIP com R2, ISDN e SS7
> Intercomunicador e acesso remoto via rede IP e telefones IP
> Conheça todo o portfólio em www.Khomp.com
> _______________________________________________
> Para remover seu email desta lista, basta enviar um email em branco para
> asteriskbrasil-unsubscribe em listas.asteriskbrasil.org
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-------------- Próxima Parte ----------
;** Ini File **
;Board: MP-114 FXO
;Board Type: 56
;Serial Number: 4868421
;Slot Number: 1
;Software Version: 6.60A.342.003
;DSP Software Version: 204IM3=> 660.15
;Board IP Address:
;Board Subnet Mask:
;Board Default Gateway:
;Ram size: 32M Flash size: 8M
;Num of DSP Cores: 1 Num DSP Channels: 4
;Profile: NONE
;License Key limits aren't active full features capabilities are available !;
[SYSTEM Params]
;NTPServerIP_abs is hidden but has non-default value
NTPServerUTCOffset = -10800
;VpFileLastUpdateTime is hidden but has non-default value
NTPServerIP = ''
[BSP Params]
PCMLawSelect = 3
BootPSelectiveEnable = 1
RoutingTableHopsCountColumn = 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0
[Analog Params]
CountryCoefficients = 5
[ControlProtocols Params]
AdminStateLockControl = 0
[MGCP Params]
[MEGACO Params]
EP_Num_0 = 0
EP_Num_1 = 1
EP_Num_2 = 0
EP_Num_3 = 0
EP_Num_4 = 0
;3LevelNamingBChannelStartNum is hidden but has non-default value
[Voice Engine Params]
CallProgressTonesFilename = 'call_progress_tones.dat'
IdlePCMPattern = 85
CallerIDType = 19
EnableAnswerDetector = 1
[WEB Params]
LogoWidth = '145'
[SIP Params]
;ISUSEFREECHANNEL is hidden but has non-default value
;ISPRACKREQUIRED is hidden but has non-default value
USERNAME = 'pstn-saida'
MSLDAPPRIMARYKEY = 'telephoneNumber'
[IPsec Params]
[SNMP Params]
[ DspTemplates ]
; *** TABLE DspTemplates ***
; This table contains hidden elements and will not be exposed.
; This table exists on board and will be saved during restarts.
[ \DspTemplates ]
FORMAT PREFIX_Index = PREFIX_DestinationPrefix, PREFIX_DestAddress, PREFIX_SourcePrefix, PREFIX_ProfileId, PREFIX_MeteringCode, PREFIX_DestPort, PREFIX_SrcIPGroupID, PREFIX_DestHostPrefix, PREFIX_DestIPGroupID, PREFIX_SrcHostPrefix, PREFIX_TransportType, PREFIX_SrcTrunkGroupID, PREFIX_DestSRD, PREFIX_CostGroup, PREFIX_ForkingGroup, PREFIX_CallSetupRulesSetId;
PREFIX 0 = "*", "", "*", 0, 255, 5060, -1, "", -1, "", 0, 1, -1, "", -1, -1;
[ TrunkGroup ]
FORMAT TrunkGroup_Index = TrunkGroup_TrunkGroupNum, TrunkGroup_FirstTrunkId, TrunkGroup_FirstBChannel, TrunkGroup_LastBChannel, TrunkGroup_FirstPhoneNumber, TrunkGroup_ProfileId, TrunkGroup_LastTrunkId, TrunkGroup_Module;
TrunkGroup 0 = 1, 255, 1, 1, "1", 1, 255, 255;
TrunkGroup 1 = 1, 255, 2, 2, "2", 1, 255, 255;
TrunkGroup 2 = 1, 255, 3, 3, "3", 1, 255, 255;
[ \TrunkGroup ]
[ PstnPrefix ]
FORMAT PstnPrefix_Index = PstnPrefix_DestPrefix, PstnPrefix_TrunkGroupId, PstnPrefix_SourcePrefix, PstnPrefix_SourceAddress, PstnPrefix_ProfileId, PstnPrefix_SrcIPGroupID, PstnPrefix_DestHostPrefix, PstnPrefix_SrcHostPrefix, PstnPrefix_SrcSRDID, PstnPrefix_TrunkId, PstnPrefix_CallSetupRulesSetId;
PstnPrefix 0 = "*", 1, "*", "*", 0, 0, "*", "*", "", -1, -1;
[ \PstnPrefix ]
[ ProxyIp ]
FORMAT ProxyIp_Index = ProxyIp_IpAddress, ProxyIp_TransportType, ProxyIp_ProxySetId;
ProxyIp 0 = "", 0, 0;
[ \ProxyIp ]
[ TxDtmfOption ]
FORMAT TxDtmfOption_Index = TxDtmfOption_Type;
TxDtmfOption 0 = 4;
[ \TxDtmfOption ]
[ TrunkGroupSettings ]
FORMAT TrunkGroupSettings_Index = TrunkGroupSettings_TrunkGroupId, TrunkGroupSettings_ChannelSelectMode, TrunkGroupSettings_RegistrationMode, TrunkGroupSettings_GatewayName, TrunkGroupSettings_ContactUser, TrunkGroupSettings_ServingIPGroup, TrunkGroupSettings_MWIInterrogationType, TrunkGroupSettings_TrunkGroupName;
TrunkGroupSettings 0 = 1, 1, 0, "", "", 1, 255, "";
[ \TrunkGroupSettings ]
[ TelProfile ]
FORMAT TelProfile_Index = TelProfile_ProfileName, TelProfile_TelPreference, TelProfile_CodersGroupID, TelProfile_IsFaxUsed, TelProfile_JitterBufMinDelay, TelProfile_JitterBufOptFactor, TelProfile_IPDiffServ, TelProfile_SigIPDiffServ, TelProfile_DtmfVolume, TelProfile_InputGain, TelProfile_VoiceVolume, TelProfile_EnableReversePolarity, TelProfile_EnableCurrentDisconnect, TelProfile_EnableDigitDelivery, TelProfile_EnableEC, TelProfile_MWIAnalog, TelProfile_MWIDisplay, TelProfile_FlashHookPeriod, TelProfile_EnableEarlyMedia, TelProfile_ProgressIndicator2IP, TelProfile_TimeForReorderTone, TelProfile_EnableDIDWink, TelProfile_IsTwoStageDial, TelProfile_DisconnectOnBusyTone, TelProfile_EnableVoiceMailDelay, TelProfile_DialPlanIndex, TelProfile_Enable911PSAP, TelProfile_SwapTelToIpPhoneNumbers, TelProfile_EnableAGC, TelProfile_ECNlpMode, TelProfile_DigitalCutThrough, TelProfile_EnableFXODoubleAnswer, TelProfile_CallPriorityMode, TelProfile_FXORingTimeout, TelProfile_IP2TelCutThroughCallBehavior;
TelProfile 1 = "1", 1, 0, 0, 10, 10, 46, 40, -11, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 700, 0, 0, 255, 0, 0, 1, 1, -1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0;
[ \TelProfile ]
[ IpProfile ]
FORMAT IpProfile_Index = IpProfile_ProfileName, IpProfile_IpPreference, IpProfile_CodersGroupID, IpProfile_IsFaxUsed, IpProfile_JitterBufMinDelay, IpProfile_JitterBufOptFactor, IpProfile_IPDiffServ, IpProfile_SigIPDiffServ, IpProfile_SCE, IpProfile_RTPRedundancyDepth, IpProfile_RemoteBaseUDPPort, IpProfile_CNGmode, IpProfile_VxxTransportType, IpProfile_NSEMode, IpProfile_IsDTMFUsed, IpProfile_PlayRBTone2IP, IpProfile_EnableEarlyMedia, IpProfile_ProgressIndicator2IP, IpProfile_EnableEchoCanceller, IpProfile_CopyDest2RedirectNumber, IpProfile_MediaSecurityBehaviour, IpProfile_CallLimit, IpProfile_DisconnectOnBrokenConnection, IpProfile_FirstTxDtmfOption, IpProfile_SecondTxDtmfOption, IpProfile_RxDTMFOption, IpProfile_EnableHold, IpProfile_InputGain, IpProfile_VoiceVolume, IpProfile_AddIEInSetup, IpProfile_SBCExtensionCodersGroupID, IpProfile_MediaIPVersionPreference, IpProfile_TranscodingMode, IpProfile_SBCAllowedCodersGroupID, IpProfile_SBCAllowedCodersMode, IpProfile_SBCMediaSecurityBehaviour, IpProfile_SBCRFC2833Behavior, IpProfile_SBCAlternativeDTMFMethod, IpProfile_SBCAssertIdentity, IpProfile_AMDSensitivityParameterSuit, IpProfile_AMDSensitivityLevel, IpProfile_AMDMaxGreetingTime, IpProfile_AMDMaxPostSilenceGreetingTime, IpProfile_SBCDiversionMode, IpProfile_SBCHistoryInfoMode, IpProfile_EnableQSIGTunneling, IpProfile_SBCFaxCodersGroupID, IpProfile_SBCFaxBehavior, IpProfile_SBCFaxOfferMode, IpProfile_SBCFaxAnswerMode, IpProfile_SbcPrackMode, IpProfile_SBCSessionExpiresMode, IpProfile_SBCRemoteUpdateSupport, IpProfile_SBCRemoteReinviteSupport, IpProfile_SBCRemoteDelayedOfferSupport, IpProfile_SBCRemoteReferBehavior, IpProfile_SBCRemote3xxBehavior, IpProfile_SBCRemoteMultiple18xSupport, IpProfile_SBCRemoteEarlyMediaResponseType, IpProfile_SBCRemoteEarlyMediaSupport, IpProfile_EnableSymmetricMKI, IpProfile_MKISize, IpProfile_SBCEnforceMKISize, IpProfile_SBCRemoteEarlyMediaRTP, IpProfile_SBCRemoteSupportsRFC3960, IpProfile_SBCRemoteCanPlayRingback, IpProfile_EnableEarly183, IpProfile_EarlyAnswerTimeout, IpProfile_SBC2833DTMFPayloadType, IpProfile_SBCUserRegistrationTime, IpProfile_ResetSRTPStateUponRekey, IpProfile_AmdMode, IpProfile_SBCReliableHeldToneSource, IpProfile_SBCPlayHeldTone, IpProfile_SBCRemoteHoldFormat, IpProfile_GenerateSRTPKeys;
IpProfile 1 = "", 1, 0, 0, 10, 10, 46, 40, 0, 0, 0, 0, 2, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0, -1, 1, 4, -1, 1, 1, 0, 0, "", -1, 0, 0, -1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 8, 300, 400, 0, 0, 0, -1, 0, 0, 1, 3, 0, 2, 2, 1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0;
[ \IpProfile ]
[ TargetOfChannel ]
FORMAT TargetOfChannel_Index = TargetOfChannel_Destination, TargetOfChannel_Type, TargetOfChannel_HotLineToneDuration, TargetOfChannel_Port, TargetOfChannel_PortType;
TargetOfChannel 0 = "555", 1, 0, 1, "FXO";
TargetOfChannel 1 = "555", 1, 0, 2, "FXO";
TargetOfChannel 2 = "555", 1, 0, 3, "FXO";
TargetOfChannel 3 = "555", 1, 0, 4, "FXO";
[ \TargetOfChannel ]
[ Authentication ]
FORMAT Authentication_Index = Authentication_UserId, Authentication_UserPassword, Authentication_Port, Authentication_PortType;
Authentication 0 = "pstn-entrada", "$1$chMQOSVGRB4NLw==", 1, "FXO";
Authentication 1 = "pstn-entrada", "$1$chMQOSVGRB4NLw==", 2, "FXO";
Authentication 2 = "pstn-entrada", "$1$chMQOSVGRB4NLw==", 3, "FXO";
Authentication 3 = "pstn-entrada", "$1$chMQOSVGRB4NLw==", 4, "FXO";
[ \Authentication ]
[ ProxySet ]
FORMAT ProxySet_Index = ProxySet_EnableProxyKeepAlive, ProxySet_ProxyKeepAliveTime, ProxySet_ProxyLoadBalancingMethod, ProxySet_IsProxyHotSwap, ProxySet_SRD, ProxySet_ClassificationInput, ProxySet_ProxyRedundancyMode, ProxySet_KeepAliveFailureResp, ProxySet_HomingSuccessDetectionRetries;
ProxySet 0 = 0, 60, 0, 0, 0, 0, -1, "", 1;
[ \ProxySet ]
[ CodersGroup0 ]
FORMAT CodersGroup0_Index = CodersGroup0_Name, CodersGroup0_pTime, CodersGroup0_rate, CodersGroup0_PayloadType, CodersGroup0_Sce;
CodersGroup0 0 = "g711Alaw64k", 20, 0, -1, 0;
CodersGroup0 1 = "g711Ulaw64k", 20, 0, -1, 0;
[ \CodersGroup0 ]
[ RoutingRuleGroups ]
FORMAT RoutingRuleGroups_Index = RoutingRuleGroups_LCREnable, RoutingRuleGroups_LCRAverageCallLength, RoutingRuleGroups_LCRDefaultCost;
RoutingRuleGroups 0 = 0, 1, 1;
[ \RoutingRuleGroups ]
[ ResourcePriorityNetworkDomains ]
FORMAT ResourcePriorityNetworkDomains_Index = ResourcePriorityNetworkDomains_Name, ResourcePriorityNetworkDomains_Ip2TelInterworking;
ResourcePriorityNetworkDomains 1 = "dsn", 1;
ResourcePriorityNetworkDomains 2 = "dod", 1;
ResourcePriorityNetworkDomains 3 = "drsn", 1;
ResourcePriorityNetworkDomains 5 = "uc", 1;
ResourcePriorityNetworkDomains 7 = "cuc", 1;
[ \ResourcePriorityNetworkDomains ]
-------------- Próxima Parte ----------
Um anexo não-texto foi limpo...
Nome: call_progress_tones.dat
Tipo: application/octet-stream
Tamanho: 4356 bytes
Descrição: não disponível
URL: <http://asteriskbrasil.org/pipermail/asteriskbrasil/attachments/20180703/0706af15/attachment-0002.obj>
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Um anexo não-texto foi limpo...
Nome: call_progress_tones.ini
Tipo: application/octet-stream
Tamanho: 81010 bytes
Descrição: não disponível
URL: <http://asteriskbrasil.org/pipermail/asteriskbrasil/attachments/20180703/0706af15/attachment-0003.obj>
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